It's all about sex... [Student/Teacher] - Chapter Twenty Three

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Because she left me a comment that cheered me up immensely the other day!

Okay so another filler. This one is in Rosa's POV. It's hopefully the last filler!

I just have to pass a bit of time before I move the story on.

I'm not completely happy with the way i've written this but it's the best I can do!

So please.

Read! Vote! Comment!!!!

Lemme know what you think.



Rosa’s POV:


I shut the door and leant against it. It had been three weeks since the dance and I hadn’t heard anything from Jai. It kind of stung… okay it stung a lot. I hadn’t expected to hear anything but still. I was currently in my room back at my parents’ home. I had spent the last two weeks here catching up with everyone. And I was being driven crazy by my brother and sister. I was going to take Hayden and Oliver to the park, Jai apparently had come back to Manchester for the weekend and his kids must’ve immediately wanted to see my two brats of siblings. They hadn’t left me alone; the only time I could get away was when they were in school.

“Rosa!! Are you ready yet?” Hayden shouted through my door. She tried to push the door but was unsuccessful, seeing as I was leaning against it.

I sighed and pushed away from it. Immediately Hayden opened the door and rushed in. She stopped and looked at me.

“Rosa! You’re not even ready!” She whined. I looked at what I was wearing, it was a cami sleep set.

“Hayden all you had to do was put a pair shoes on. I need to get dressed. So either sit there quietly or get out.” To say I was testy recently was an understatement. Hayden then went over to my bed and flopped on it. Pulling a pair of white demin shorts out I slipped them on, I pulled out a pair of golden gladiator sandals and put them on. Choosing a gold top I put it on. Going to my vanity table I brushed my hair and put it in a high ponytail. Putting a pair of golden hoops in, I brushed a wand of lip gloss on over my lips.

“See was that so hard to wait five minutes?”


I pulled up in the car park, I had barely turned the car off when Hayden and Oliver had jumped out of the car and were racing across the grass towards the picnic area.

“Oliver! Hayden! Get back here now!” I shouted after him, grabbing my bag out of the car I hit the lock button and ran after them. Luckily since my legs were longer I could catch up pretty quickly. Grabbing them both on the shoulder I pulled them to a stop.

“I told you both to stop. What do you think you’re doing?!”

“We just wanted to see Damon and Jenni” they pulled the classic puppy dog face.

“That’s not going to work on me. You both know not to run off like that.”

“We’re sorry Rosa.” They both put their heads down.

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