Times With Your Author #1

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Hello everyone :)

As you can see from the title, it will be your author for this little part.

This segment can be about anything.

It can vary from rants, to stories(from real life), experiences, something I want to get off my chest and my personal opinion.

So let's start, shall we?


Today, I will be talking about something from real life.

And I don't know what I should do about it.

I have this acquaintance and I don't know what my relationship is with him.

I used to think that we were friends but not anymore.

He's annoying.


And I don't know if I am being bullied.

He calls me names like:


Bitch. (excuse the profanity)



And so on.

He also says stuff like "why would anyone like you".


"ew it's you".

This is online for your information.

He insults me and puts me down.

To be honest I don't care about it but I want to know from your (reader's) opinion.

Is this cyber bullying?

Anyways, thanks for being nice enough to read this and hope you all have a good day!

Byee :)


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