Alone With You

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Sori POV

Since we were on break from school, BTS was doing promotions for their comeback Young Forever album, part 3 to the most beautiful moment in life series. They invited me to watch their performance.

"Make sure you watch me Sori! I'm the star here." Jimin smiled.

"Yeah yeah okay." I replied.

I sat down in one of the seats, crossing my legs, waiting for their performance to start. This is the rehearsal since fans haven't come in yet.

They finished dancing to 'Fire' and 'Butterfly' and took a break for a while. I went over to them to compliment them.

"Hey guys that was awesome!" I said.

"I know I was." Jimin said, cockily.

"I wasn't talking about you, Jiminnie Pabo." I retorted.

Everyone laughed except Jimin.

"I don't feel too well..." Jungkook said, holding his head.

We all looked in his direction as I put the back of my hand to his forehead. It was burning. (불타오르네 XD)

"Jungkook you have a fever. I think you're sick." I said.

"I think I'm gonna hurl..." Jungkook said.

Then, as if on que, he ran to the nearest garbage can and puked into it.

"Okay. Jungkook-ah, sit out for the recording and the live. Stay here with Sori." Rap Monster said.

Jungkook nodded, wiping his mouth with a tissue as the rest of the members told him to take it easy.

"Here." I said, leading him to a black couch for him to lie down on it.

I went to get a towel and wet it with cold water, folding it two times.

I put the towel on his forehead and saw how he was sweating so I helped him take the jacket off, leaving him in a loose t-shirt.

I pulled over a chair and sat next to him. I hope he's okay.

He fell asleep since I could hear soft, little snores erupting from him. I giggled to myself since it was really cute. My eyes felt heavy and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.


"Sori? Sori?" I heard him whisper.

I woke up went over to him.

"Yeah? What is it? How are you feeling?" I asked.

"I'm okay, just a little dizzy. Can I get some water?" He asked.

"Sure." I said, walking to get a water bottle, coming back and unscrewing the top. I helped him sit up to drink the water.

"Thanks." Jungkook said, closing the bottle, setting it down somewhere.

I checked my phone and saw that it was 5:03 pm. They're still performing I guess.

"Sori?" Jungkook asked.

"Hm?" I hummed.

"How are you so pretty?" He asked, making me turn a darker shade of red.

"H-huh?" I said.

"You're so beautiful it's like you're not even human." He continued.

"U-uh thanks." I said.

"Hehe. I like you Sori." Jungkook giggled.

"W-what?" I asked. "I don't know what you're talking about."

He started frowning.

" Why don't you see how much I like you?? I'm always there for you and I like you so much I might even love you! You always tease Jimin and it makes me jealous. Why is my heart so weird? It hurts knowing you don't like me back. It hurts knowing that I'm not good enough for you. I can't do this anymore what's wrong with me." He confessed.

"I just want you to like me back..." He said.

It went silent for a while. I was looking down and I heard snores again.

What now?


A. N

What did I do.

Well now you know

I just spilled the beans


Thank you we're almost at 1k reads for this story like what???

I love you guys

I'm sorry if I'm weird but it's just me

If you want to talk to a weird person just pm/dm me

I'm always open to making new friends



Kpop247Forever :))

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