My Answer

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Sori POV

Days passed, and the break was over. I hadn't talked to any of the boys during that time. These days had given me time to myself.

Time to think about his confession.


"Okay class, take out your things so we can take up the homework." My teacher said as I was zoning out of class.

"Yah Sori, get up. Our seonsaengnim will notice." Jimin whispered, tapping me on the shoulder.

I lifted my head up from the desk and started doing what we were told.

The rest of the class was boring. Jungkook was quiet. I guess he wants to hear my answer. (a.n is you~~ my answer is you lol)

I'll tell him later.


Class ended, signalling that it was time for lunch.

Everyone was leaving.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna do something so go on without me." I told them.

They nodded before leaving as well.

I looked over to see Jungkook packing up his things still so I went over to him.

"Hey Jungkook, can we talk?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure." He replied.

We walked up to the rooftop. I sat against the wall as Jungkook copied my position.

"So about the confession..." I started.

"Just forget about it. I was sick and wasn't right in the head. I say random things when I'm sick." Jungkook said.

"Maybe. But what if I feel the same?" I said.

He looked up and at me.

"Y-You do?" He asked.

"I think I do. I mean I like you but I don't like lik-- this is so awkward I've never done anything like this before." I said.

"Oh it's okay. I'm awkward all the time too." He said.

"I'm willing to try it out. Maybe a date?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's good with me. What about the others?" Jungkook said.

"They won't care. Unless they tease us then I don't know. I'll probably kick Jimin in the balls who knows." I confessed.

"Haha true. Okay, so a coffee date?" Jungkook asked.

"Tomorrow at lunch?" I said.

"That's fine with me." Jungkook said.

"Same here." I said.

"Cool." He said.

"I'm hungry, do you have food?" I asked Jungkook.

"Yeah, why?" He asked.

"I don't have one. I forgot to make one." I said.

"Aigoo, you should eat more and be healthy. I don't want to see you skinny and sick looking. Here I'll share with you." He said, scooting over to share his lunch.

"Thanks." I smiled.


We had time to spare after finishing his lunch so Jungkook led me to the music room with a piano in the centre.

"I want to play this for you. It's my sunbae's song but I still like it." He said, placing his hands over the keys.

He patted the space next to him on the piano bench as I took it.

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