Serenade You

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Jungkook POV

"Sori! Ireona!" a Jimin hyung said.

She shifted a bit in her sleep before opening her eyes slowly. She has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen.

Stop it Jungkook.

You're an idol for goodness sake.

Plus she'll never like you.

She probably likes Jiminnie hyung cause she teases him a lot.

Sori sat up in bed, stretched her arms whole making a little squeal.

Too cute.

I internally fanboyed but managed to keep a straight face.

"Yah Sori wake upp. We want to show you something." Jimin whined like a little boy, snapping me out of my trance.

She groaned. "Fine. It better be good since you're waking me up at such an early time."

"Of course it is! It has me in it why wouldn't it be?" Jimin said.

"I don't know." She shrugged.


Sori POV

"May I ask why we're standing in the middle of your practice room?" I said, arms crossed.

"We want to show you something." Jungkook said.

"Okay." I said before sitting down, stretching my legs out, having my back against the wall.

They brought out seven chairs and in a formation, waiting for the music to start.

A piano synth started, filling the room of music.


Yeah yeah

Yeah just one, day one night

If only I had just one day

I want to peacefully fall asleep

intoxicated with your sweet scent

If there's a chance in my busy schedule

I want to put my body in your warm and deep eyes

I like that, your long, straight hair

Your breathtaking neck when you put it up and the strands that fall out

Wherever we go, my handbag is your waist

Yo ma honey, whenever I see you,

I run out of breath

Like the streets of Myungdong,

our BGM is the sound of breathing

Your voice when you say my name

I wanna be locked in you and swim in you,

I want to know you more.

An Explorer venturing through your deep forest of mystery

I appreciate the masterpiece that is you

because your existence alone is art

I imagine this all night every day

because it's a meaningless dream anyway

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