Not Part Of The Story

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Hey guys


I haven't updated in a while

I have serious writers block

But I was bored so I wrote this a while ago

I'm deciding if I should write an alternate ending because it is angst for this one




I'm Sorry


"Why can't you do anything good? You're not smart like your brother. And you're not talented like your sister. What good are you for?" My mother said.

I didn't respond to her.

She sighed heavily before leaving the house. Probably going to work. My mom works at this Cafe for the night shift. She's almost never around since she still goes to work for her normal job. She took up another job since she had to earn money for my siblings and I.

My mother never mentioned anything much about my dad except the fact that he left us when I was really little. I sometimes think that it's my fault that he chose another path than us.

I walked up the stairs to my room; first door on the left. I stared at the door, staring at the blue letters that spelt out my name: Aria. I remembered taking the time to decorate each individual letter with stripes and all sorts of designs on it before smiling in satisfaction and taping it to the front of my door.

Those were the days.

I shook my head, bringing myself back to the present while I turned the knob of the door that looked perfect on the outside. The other side of the door's is a totally different story.

Taking a hold of the trap of my backpack, I lessened the weight on my shoulder and put it on the ground, close to my wooden desk. I closed the door and took out my phone from my jacket pocket, turning the screen on to check the time: 6:42.

You're such a burden.

You can't do anything right.

No one likes you.

You're just a piece of trash.

You'll never be successful.

They're back.

The voices.

The ones that haunt me everywhere. No matter how far I run, they'll always be with me. I wish they'd go away. But everything I ask for is never fulfilled. I never get anything that I want. Life is just unfair.

I'm not smart. I'm not pretty. I'm not popular. I'm not good at anything. My mother is right. I can't do anything. I just wish I could sleep forever. Nothing is going to change the situation I'm in. Why don't I just give up?

I scrolled through my music, looking for a song to listen to. I clicked on the song and plugged my earbuds in, turning up the volume to shut the world out.

Then I turned my eyes to the window and everything looks gray
Gray city, gray buildings, gray roads, gray rain
Everything in this world is slow

The lyrics that described my feelings like they too, felt what I felt.

The thick color of a rainy day in Seoul
I still can't fall asleep as I fade away
The rain stops and the reflection in the puddle
I see myself looking more miserable today

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