At The Park

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Sori POV


I picked up my phone and looked at the text.

Wanna hang?

It was an unknown number.

Um.... Who are you?



Okay so what did you want?

Did you want to hang?

Like do something?

Just the two of us?


Like with the others.

Sure, but what?

I don't know.

Like go to the park?

I looked at the time.

It's 2:30.





I'll be there in 15.


See you.

You too.

I put my phone down after saving his contact and went to find something to wear.

Since it was just going to the park, I put on a white t-shirt and blue jeans. I put on my black jacket and decided to wear my black converse.

Before I left my room, I grabbed my black beanie and my phone plus my ear buds.


I arrived at the park, looking for the seven dorks.

Since they weren't here yet, I sat on the swing, listening my music.

Jimin POV

The seven of us were closing in to our destination when I saw Sori sitting on a swing.

Her back was faced to us, unaware of when we would arrive.

I remembered the time she scared me at the theatres.

This is payback.

I sneaked up behind her and went to tazor her waist.

I heard her gasp but there was no scream.


I thought she'd be scared.

Sori POV

I felt hands poke my waist and I let out a gasp.

"You're no fun, Sori." a voice said.

I turned around to see a pouting Jimin along with six other boys.

"Okay." I replied.

Jimin only pouted more.


We played at the park and the sun had already gone down.

"Hey guys! The stars are out." Jin said.

We all looked up.

"Huh. Yeah it is." I said to myself.

"Let's watch it!" Taehyung said.

We complied and found a spot on the grass before lying down and looking at the stars.

I noticed that Jimin and Jungkook were next to me.

"Not you again." I said to Jimin.

He sat up.

"What do you mean? You should be fawning over me. Don't you want a piece of this? I mean, everyone does." He said, gesturing to himself and flipping his hair.

"Haha not everyone." I said.

"Yah. You're mean. Why am I your friend." Jimin pouted.

"Cause you love me." I grinned.

He didn't say anything after that.

Sori 1, Jimin 0

We continued to watch the stars until we had to go home.


A. N

Hey guys!!

Sorry for the really bad chapter

I have writer's block

And I don't know what I'm doing.

Anyways I have homework to do so I should do that soon.

My teacher is changing the seating plan again in my class.

That means I won't be able to sit next to my friend.

Oh well


I'll try to think of more ideas.

Kpop247Forever :)

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