|chapter ten|

11 3 3

Garden - Halsey

I Know You're Out There - Amy Best


Luke walks out of Kenzie's room, and I try to call out to him, but he walks out the door without a word. I frown and walk over to Kenzie's bedroom door, slowly pushing it open.

Kenzie is crying into Ally's shoulder, and Ally is awkwardly patting her back.

"Shh..." She mumbles. "Kenzie, we can't dwell on this. I promise it will just make things worse."

Kenzie replies only with another sob.

"Uh..." I interrupt. "Sorry to barge in, but..." I scratch my neck. "Anyone wanna tell me what's going on?"

Kenzie looks up at me through her tangled hair and bloodshot eyes. She almost looks like she's planning what casket I'd look best in at my funeral.

Ally keeps her eyes on Kenzie while she speaks to me. "You might wanna ask Kenzie. Her explanation of this will make a lot more sense than mine would."

Kenzie looks almost offended. She sits up straight and attempts to brush her hair out of her face, but it doesn't do much good.

"I'm going to find Michael." She tells us, standing up. "Ally," She glances between us. "You tell him."


"You're a what now?" I ask when Ally finishes her explanation.

She blushes fiercely. "An...uh, an angel. But that's not the point!" She runs a hand through her hair. "My point is, Michael is trying to protect all of us, but it's not...it's not really working. We're gonna need your guys' help."

I look down at my hands resting in my lap. "Okay...what will we need to do?" I ask her.

She shrugs. "I'm really not sure. I've never really associated with demons or anything. You'd have to ask Michael."

"Did he, like, give a job to Kenzie, or something?" I furrow my brows. "If so, she didn't take it very well..."

Ally shrugs again. "I don't know. I just know that she's not taking his explanation so well."

I hear Michael and Luke yelling a few floors down and flinch. "I don't think Michael took his own explanation very well."

Sighing, Ally pulls her legs up to sit cross-legged. "He's just stressed. We all are."

It's quiet for a moment. "Al, I'm not sure if I believe this whole demon/angel thing. But, I can tell that something is definitely wrong, and I'm willing to help you."

She gives me that same sad look that Kenzie gave me earlier, like she's seen the way I'll die. "I hope you know what you're getting into."



"She's scared out of her mind, Michael! You can't blame her for being angry!" I shout at Michael, whose eyes are bloodshot.

"Stop it! Stop!" He pulls at his hair. "You're making this sound like it's my fault!" Breathing heavily, he meets my eyes. "Can't you see that I'm trying?"

My expression hardens. "We're all trying, Mike. So don't start feeling bad for yourself until all of our problems are solved."

His face contorts from sadness back to anger. "What the hell kind of response is that?!" He screams. "How can you be so selfish? We have to-we have to help them, Luke, they don't know what's hit them!"

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