Soccer champions

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Jess P.O.V.

Yo people. I'm Jess. 18, with light brown hair and dark brown eyes. I'm a tomboy, if you haven't already guessed it. I love pot stickers. (Of course! Haha I'm Chinese!) I have never had a boyfriend. But the good thing is that I don't want to have one. Boyfriends are overrated, don't you think?

Well anyway, it's Thursday now! I have a soccer game today. I'm not done with college yet. I have a year to go. I go to Santa Clara college in California. I used to live in China, but I came to America with my mother, my dad is still in China working to earn money for me to go to school. I love him for that. I was never really close to my mom, we never really got along. She always used to pamper my younger sister, Lily, she's 15. Now that we're done with the introductions, I have to get ready for the game!

We're playing another college which I forgot the name of! Haha, lame right? Oh well. "Hey Jess! you almost ready?" My best friend Nicole was downstairs, she was one of our forwards on the soccer team. I play stopper, it's my favorite position ever!

"Yeah, Nicole! I'll be down in a second! I need to find a hair tie to put my hair in a ponytail." I yelled back down to her while I was flinging the clothes off my bed. Yes! I found it. And a black one too! I love black, it's my favorite color. And by the way, I'm not emo, ok!

"Jess! We have to go now!" She was getting frantic, I could hear it in her voice. She was always such a worrier! When we were younger, and we were in China, I was playing basketball. And she came out of her house (we lived right next to each other) and gasped. "What are you doing? You know you're not supposed to play basketball!"

"I know, but no one's here. So they won't see me. Don't worry, Nicole."

"Okay, whatever you say....." Yeah, she always was the best friend a girl could have. Even though she worries, I still love her for it.

"I'm on my way down!" I finished tucking in my jersey and ran down the stairs three at a time. "I'm here! Let's go to the game!" I grabbed my car keys from the kitchen table and then grabbed Nicole's hand. She was on her phone, typical Nicole. She was always on her cell phone. Sometimes I can't believe we're best friends. She's a total girly girl, whereas I hate anything girly, since I'm a tomboy.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I keep telling me that but when are you going to prove it!" I suddenly knew who she was talking to, her current boyfriend, Jared. He was ok, but she could do better.

"Come on Nicole! You were nagging me to hurry up and here you are walking as slow as a snail!" I was pretty much dragging her to my awesome black punch buggy. I got it last year from my parents. I was so happy, I slept in Yin last night. I know it's weird, but yes, I named my car Yin. I think Yin means shaded. And black is the color of shade...So Yeah.

"I'm sorry...Jared just said that he won't be able to go to the game today...That's the third time this season. I wonder what he's doing." She looked sad. I needed to cheer her up. I needed to cheer her up.

"Hey! Before we go to the game you wanna get some doughnuts from Dunkin Doughnuts?" That was her favorite place in the whole wide world. I knew she would be happy after we got triple chocolate doughnuts, her favorite.

"Ok! And, Jess?" She buckled her seat belt and turned to look at me, "Thanks, for everything. Especially for being a great friend."

"Awww, don't get all soppy with me now! But you're welcome." I hugged her, well at least I tried to, since we were already in the car. I pulled out of my driveway and headed toward Dunkin Doughnuts. My favorite song was on! "Blind" by Jason Derulo!

~ Never thought that I'd say wish I didn't love you ever
Since the first date when you got close my heart
Would just stop thought me and you together would end
Up on top, you changed me for better for worse I know
I was caught up always put you first I never once thought
You would be trifling but oh I was blinded...~

Nicole and I started singing the chorus and we were having a blast. We were so busy singing to the music that we didn't notice a car was honking at us to go. I started laughing and waved my hand as a "sorry" sign. We drove on and finally got to the field. "Hey people." One of our friends Kim walked over and hugged us.

"Girls! On the field! NOW!" Coach Matt yelled at us. He looked really mad, it would've been really funny if there was steam blowing out of his ears. I shook the thought out of my head and ran out onto the field.

Today was a big day. We better beat this team or I think I might just die! "Whoo! Go Nicole!" I turned around to get a better look at who was rooting for Nicole. No surprise there, it was Ethan Wong. He has been stalking Nicole forever! He has short blond hair and piercing red eyes. I actually wouldn't mind if he was the one dating Nicole, he was way better than Jared. Jared was stuck up and cocky. Ugh, I hated him so much but I had to put up with him for Nicole.

I turned around to start warming up again when something hits me right in the face. Instantly I'm on the ground, my head is throbbing and I think there's blood trickling down my face. I try to bring my hand up to my face, but I can't move it. Someone rushes to my side and says, "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for the ball to hit you!" I can tell it's a guy. He sorta sounds like a girl though. Looking up, I see his face. Dark blue eyes peek out through his bangs. He has light brown hair, too.

"It's ok. I'm fine. I checked my hand again and found that I could move it. Guess I was just numb for a little while. I stood up and brushed some grass and dirt off my uniform. The guy stands up too and flicks a clump of grass off my shoulder.

"There you go. And I mean it, I'm really sorry!" He looked sincere, but with guys, you never know.

"Oh, don't worry about it," I reply, still getting over my dizziness. The "blood" that was trickling down my face wasn't actually on my face. Just tangles that I got when I fell. I turned around, ready to go play again but I fell a hand grab mine.

"Hey, you didn't even let me introduce myself." He stares at me for a second and realizes I'm not going to say anything. "I'm CJ, and you are?"

"Late for the game. Sorry, I'll see you later." Sprinting to get away from him, I run to where Coach is explaining the positions.

Soccer championsWhere stories live. Discover now