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Sryy for the long wait but I have a

Naruto dream pov.

they already toke my brother while we lay clasped in each other's arms. The vampires...the vampires is what did this to me why the fuck was this happening to me I ran away . I need to find the boy. This supernatural thing was something else it's so much stuff happening I can't even think.

At length, after many days of traveling.

I got into the hands of a vamp,

This bastard

"Thing leave me alone "i said

"Look you belong to me naruto"

I scoffed

"I hope you die" I said

Turning on my hills leaving the mansion then I was grabbed

"Naruto come here baby I'm sorry let's play a little ok " the thing said pulling me to his chest

This bastard

I woke up

This damn house is bigger that 30 walmart combined as long as I know my way around it I'll be fine

I walk from sasuke's room to the other side of this palace sasuke's calls a house.i go into the dining room and then walking through the double doors of the kitchen. I saw alot of chefs try to find what to do for breakfast.
Then they all turned to me and said good morning master naruto I shoe my head then headed to the main refrigerator . I was starting to cook and they were just watching in awe I made pancakes,eggs,sasuge,and bacon and chesse biscuits.
After I was finished they all clapped I toke the food to the table just to see sasuke waiting at his seat ,he didn't notice me so I sat his plate in front of him.

"Thank you and can you bring the car around me and naruto must go to school today" sasuke said in a dead and sad tone

I guess he didn't know who I was so I just gave him a thumps up

He bit into his food and his eyes lite up like chrismas then he kinda stuffed his face

"You like it I made it for you"i said which caused him to look at me

"Good morning my kit-kit" he said

I just kissed his cheek

"Hey naruto "

"Yes " i said

"Do you love me " sasuke said

"Why wouldn't I love you" I said

He got up grabbed my hand then pulled me all the way back to his room I guess I'll eat later
He took me to his room ,threw me on the bed then just held me in his arms.i hugged him back hearing soft sifting sounds. I raised his head to see him dreched in tears. I wiped his face kissing him.

"What's wrong your crying .... what happen?"I asked concerned about what was wrong

"Your not going to love me If I tell you " he said drying his face he pulled something out his pocket then put it on my rust it was a pretty blue and black twisting bracelet.

"Sasuke I will always love you Ok"i said rubbing his leg

"Promise me you won't leave me"

"I promise"i said

Sasuke tells me about his past what he is what he did who made him do it why he did it what they did to him and why the hell my brother was a target. He even told me my dream was real and where the sword was. I was completely frozen

The room when quiet I had tears down my face I was looking straight at him

"If you want to kill me you can go ahead I just thought you should know before this progresses any further " sasuke said wrapping my hands around his throat

I just stared at him

"If your gonna do it can you do it quick I want the last thing I see to be you " sasuke said holding my hands

"Be..fore what.. progessess further " I finally said something

"Im going to unleash war adjest the wolves for trying to take you away from me and if I die they can't attack..."he was babbling



He's being stupid if he thinks I'm going to kill him

"I...wo" I stuttered

"Just let me get this over with I don't want them to take you away..wait what did you say" he said rubbing my hands

"I said I won't kill you" I said shaking falling into his embrace crying all over him

" do care for me" Sauke said

I whimpered

" they wanted you to kill me because I was the last one"sasuke said

"The last one?" I asked coking my head to the side

"Im the last uchiha and if I have a mate they can't touch me or my mate cause then I'm not the last on"

"Huh?" I said

"Ok the wolves are after me, they are trying to hurt me by taking you away from me, they wanted you to kill me because you are a fox demon so they want you on their side, but i already clamed you that's all so the reason. Kiba still thinks your not mated and I want you to be safe cause if they touch you I'm ripping them to shreds." He said

I knew the bastard bite me

"So what are we gonna do" I asked wiping my tears

"I don't know ok you sure you love ME" sasuke said

"Im mad at you but I can never take a life" I said

"But this is WAR" he said

"Well do something ok" I said kissing his forehead

"Why are you so loving " he said

"I've had alot of stuff going on and by the looks of it we both have stories to tell each other" I said

"Let's start then"

Chapter end

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