Chapter Two:

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Leah sits behind the desk as I enter the room, her manicured and well groomed hands placed carefully in front of her. She looks at me through dark and inquisitive eyes, her respectably well designed glasses perched on the bridge of her nose. Her dark hair falls around her pretty elfin face and as I sit down on the leather settee I get a scent of the perfume she is wearing.

"Isobel." Leah smiles warmly at me. "It's wonderful to see you again. Are we well?"

"Fine thank you," I say as she recovers my file and places it on the desk in front of her.

"The last time we spoke, I had given you a prescription of medication to take. How did it go?" Her black fountain pen touches a clean sheet of paper.

"Actually..." I glance down at my hands, unable to fully meet Leah's gaze. "The medication made the dream appear more frequently than before."

"Really?" Leah is unable to keep the surprise from out of her voice. "So how many times do you now receive the dream?"

"Once every night," I murmur.

"I see." Words flow effortlessly onto the page in front of her.

"Has the dream changed at all?"


Leah lowers her gaze over me.

"Go on."

"Last night, after he whispered to me he...well, I understand that this may sounds strange -"

"Nothing is strange to me," Leah reassures me firmly.

"He - whoever he is - kissed me. On the neck. I remember feeling his mouth on me before waking up." I flush, relishing the contact.

Leah writes down several more notes before placing down her pen.

"Forgive me for asking Isobel, but are you in a sexual relationship with anyone at the moment?"

Despite the innocence of Leah's question, my eyes widen substantially.

"Excuse me?"

"Are you, or ever been in an intimate relationship with anyone at all?"

She is questioning me of my virginity. I feel myself violently flushing once more.

"You don't have to answer if you are not comfortable -"

"No." I whisper. "I have never had a relationship with anyone."

"Okay Isobel." Leah quickly takes down what I have said in her efficient italic handwriting.

"The reason I asked was because of what you have told me he said to you. About -" Leah turns back a couple of pages in my file. "- 'being the first man to kiss you,' and from what you have described as having been engaged in intimate contact, I believe that it could be because you lack the incentive to begin a relationship with anyone. Do you know why this could be? You are a rather pretty girl Isobel."

"Thank you," I mumble, blushing at the unexpected compliment. "I guess it could be because I have never found love. There isn't anyone I have really come across and considered beginning a relationship with."

Maybe, except one.

As the discussion ends Leah shuffles my notes together and places them inside my file.

"Thank you for coming to see me today," Leah says as I rise from my seat. "I will arrange for you to have your next appointment with me next week."

"Thank you Leah," I smile as the door closes behind me.

I check the time on my phone. The appointment had finished earlier than I had expected.

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