Chapter Eighteen:

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Loki's POV

I watched as Isobel began walking away from me, in her hand she held the weapon. As SHIELD agents raised me to my feet and began dragging me away, I raised my head to see Sigyn had been captured beside me, her toxic green eyes seething with anger. Scattered around the room were many of our allies, dead and mixing blood. I heard the sound of Thor's presence coming towards me before I saw him. In his hand he held his precious hammer Mjolnir, which he lowered threateningly beneath my chin.

"The Allfather shall hear of this," Thor growled.

Despite the pain my wounded shoulder was causing me I laughed, expressing the little emotion or care I had for him.

"Indeed, he shall. But answer me this Thor, when he intends to punish me, how will I receive it when I am not even there?"

Thor's eyes narrowed.

"What are you talking about Loki?"

I smirked, seizing Sigyn's wrist and drawing her towards me, her laugher infectious as she teased her wicked mouth over my skin. I watched as the shimmering green veil draped over us, hearing Thor's shouts of anger as we vanished.

In the end, you will always kneel...

Isobel's POV

I heard Thor's cries of anger as the rest of us rushed towards him, only to find Loki and Sigyn had gone, nothing more than the splatters of Loki's blood which had dried against the floor. Thor growled as he seized his hammer, raising his head towards the sky.

"Heimdall! Open the Bifrost!"

There was a sudden pool of soft colourful dancing light. Thor herded the captured criminals towards it before they left for Asgard. I turned to look at Director Fury and handed him the weapon.

"It's yours. I never want to see it again," I said.

Director Fury nodded as he collected the weapon from me.

"I will personally ensure that this won't fall into the wrong hands again," he promised.

Tony and Bruce came up from behind me. Tony clapped his hand against my back and Bruce grinned almost shyly at me.

"Good job guys," Tony praised. "We sorta saved the day again."

"What about Loki?" I asked, my mind going back to the moment when he and Sigyn had vanished. "Will he be coming back?"

"Of course he will," Tony replied almost at ease. "He's the psychopathic god."

~ Two days later ~

Chris drew me towards him and kissed me sweetly on the mouth.

"I'm so glad it's all over," Chris whispered breathlessly in my ear. "Superheroes, leather clad agents and power hungry villains? I think I preferred my old life."

I giggled as I loosely wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Even before you started dating me?" I tease.

Chris's blue eyes are all knowing as he presses his forehead against mine, his lips tracing mine thoughtfully.

"Hmm...maybe not quite all of my old life."

I deepened the kiss, as we stood on the balcony of my flat as London bustled beneath us, the setting sun warm against our faces. Chris slowly breaks away, gently untangling myself from me as he heads back inside the flat.

"What do you want to eat Isobel?" Chris called from inside. I smiled.

"Surprise me," I said.

"Coming right up," he said.


The voice drifted towards me, brushing against my skin. I shook my head, the sudden shiver causing goosebumps to rise against my skin. The smell of sizzling onions caused my stomach to growl appreciatively. I walked back inside the flat, closing the door behind me.

I will be the first man to kiss you... bed you...

...whether you come willingly or not you will be mine, and mine alone.

Do you understand?

AND FINISHED! Well, what do you guys think about the ending?? Do you like the 'dramatic' cliffhanger? I decided that Loki deserved to go out with a bang, considering that it is his story after all. Again, thank you so much for all the reads and votes and support throughout, it's great to know that my work is appreciated. Should there be a sequel? Let me know!

MischiefMaker26 x

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