Chapter Sixteen:

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We stand outside the entrance of what appeared to be an discarded stockroom, placed on a secluded corner on the west side of Manhattan. A cold and almost cruel wind had picked up, causing me to wrap my coat tighter around me. I had insisted that Chris would remain at the apartment - there was no way I would be allowing him to come with us. Who knew what we would be facing against the moment we stepped in there?

"You alright Izzy?"

I turn to look at Tony, who had placed on his Iron Man suit. I give him a tight nod, despite feeling sick to my stomach with fear.

"You remember what you are supposed to be doing?"

Again I nod.

"Track down Loki, secure the weapon."

I was certain it wasn't going to be as easy as it sounded. Tony gives me a small smile before bringing down the helmet over his eyes. Beside Stark, Doctor Banner, Thor and myself were with Agent Taylor and Agent Hill as well as other agents which I had never seen before, one of Chinese origin and the other a tall black haired lightly tanned man. Director Fury turns to look his one eye at me.

"You certain this is where Loki is situated?"

"He is in there," I tell him certainly. "They all are."

Reaching into his back pocket, Director Fury retrieves a gun. In a moment of anticipation Fury kicks his foot against the door. The agents pour into the darkness, their guns poised in position to shoot any moving target. The stockroom is damp and smells strongly of mould. I take a torch from my pocket and switch it on, its light blinking into the darkness. My heart rate quickens, my stomach lurching every time an agent brushed past me.

"Loki, we have you surrounded!" Director Fury calls into the darkness. "We know you are here; you and your friends come quietly now and no one will get hurt."

A low chuckle causes me to shiver.


The team's attention instantly turns towards the right of the stockroom. One of the agents flashes their torch over the frame of a slight and slender blonde female, whose wrists were secured by rope. The woman whimpered again, thrashing against the ties as Director Fury throws himself to her side.

"Thank the gods!" the woman exclaimed. "You are here!"

In taking a step closer towards the woman, I couldn't help but notice the familiarity of her fair features like I had seen her somewhere before.

"You're going to be okay," Director Fury ensures, easily loosening the knots and the rope came away from her wrists. He helped her to her feet. The woman smiled, her green eyes sparked with curiosity.

"I am grateful," she said.

Suddenly her expression darkened and her smile widened. She seized Fury's wrist and slammed him with inhuman strength into the wall. The agents immediately spurred their attack, firing at the woman whose laughter resonated around the stockroom. No bullet seemed to touch her as she kicked the gun from out of one of the agent's hands.

Sigyn. I felt ashamed to not have realised sooner. She had changed her appearance, instead wearing a long dark velvet green coloured dress and in her hand she conjured a ball of crackling green flame.

"My friends, now we begin!" she called.

A war had started. Rising from the darkness approached a colourful and dangerous enemy, of which were such creatures I had never seen before.

"It's going to be a long night," Tony says.

I've finally decided to update, sorry about it taking so long. Not one of my better installments but the next chapter I promise will be better!

MischiefMaker26 x

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