Chapter Fourteen:

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I wake with an unexpected start.


My disturbance causes Chris to sit upright beside me in bed.

"Isobel, are you alright?"

I shake my head.

"Honey, you're shaking," Chris drapes an arm around me and pulls me close, warming my shivering skin.

"Loki," I whisper.

"What?" Chris's breath is soft and reassuring against my ear.

"It's happening again. I dreamed of Loki."

He swears softly. "I thought this was finished. I thought Loki's torments were over."

"It wasn't a torment," I say. "Not this time. I think I've had a vision. I need to tell Director Fury."

Chris turns his head to peer into the illumination of the clock sitting on the bedside table.

"It's past three in the morning. You can tell him tomorrow. For now, try and sleep."

"I don't think I can," I say.

Chris lies down once more against the mattress. He turns towards me and I position myself with my back turned against him.

"Close your eyes," Chris murmurs, enfolding me so my spine presses against his torso. He places a kiss softly on my shoulder. "Dream of me if you like."

I break into a smile.

"Maybe," I say. "I'll consider it."

Chris kisses my other shoulder. It isn't long before feel myself drifting into sleep, lying within the protection and comfort of Chris's arms.


"Are you certain this is what you saw? Loki is creating a second army?"

I regretfully nod.


Director Fury turns to Agent Hill.

"Have Thor contacted as soon as possible. We need to have Loki and this Sigyn captured immediately before any permanent damage can be done."

"Yes sir." Agent Hill quickly hurries away.

"I will not have our world threatened with war a second time," Director Fury says almost bitterly. "I cannot afford to call in the Avengers Initiative again."

Tony and Dr Banner look at once another.

"Director Fury," Tony begins. "Isobel has just told us that Loki wants to raise another army. What happens if we are already too late?"

Directory Fury turns to glare at Tony with his one eye.

"We won't be," he ensures. "I'm certain Thor will put an end to Loki's chaos."

"But sir, Loki has Isobel's weapon. He will be more than certain to use it against his own brother. Then what? Our strongest friend and ally will be dead -"

"That is unlikely to happen Mr Stark and I ask you to continue with your profession and leave me to mine. Understand?"

"Yes Director Fury," Tony says, rolling his eyes.

Director Fury leaves the room. Tony mutters cynically under his breath and reaches for his glass of whiskey. Dr Banner places down the Tracker and removes his glasses.

"Maybe we don't need the Tracker to know what Loki is or what his plans are. Maybe we have our own weapon which we didn't realise we had."

Tony takes a swig from his glass.

"What are you suggesting doctor?"

Dr Banner turns to look at me.

"Isobel is our closest connection to Loki," he says. "She has received Loki's thoughts and has experienced visions of him."

"Loki planted his voice inside my mind," I tell him. "He manipulated me. Loki used me so he could steal the weapon. He has no use of me now."

"Yet you received what you believe to be a vision of him helping his girlfriend to escape?"

"Well yes..." I raise my eyebrow. "Are you suggesting that Loki could be still affecting my mind?"

"Quite possibly, yes." Dr Banner's eyes are bright with conviction.

"When Loki wanted to invade your mind, he must have had to place a link on you, enabling him to easily slip into your thoughts without your suspicion. Loki could have forgotten to severe the link and therefore it is still allowing you to have access to him. If it worked one way, why not let it work the other way?"

I clamp my hand over my mouth.

"That's genius Dr Banner!" I exclaim.

"This man's gotta brain," Tony slaps his hand down on Dr Banner's shoulder. "Not as big as mine of course, but it's still big enough."

Dr Banner laughs, appearing pleased with himself.

"It's going to take practice, but I think I'll be able to go into his mind," I say.

"The sooner we are able to reach Loki, the better," Tony says. "This ass deserves another kicking."

Tony couldn't have phrased it any better.

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