Chapter Twelve:

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I end the call. Chris enters the room barefoot, wearing low slung jeans and a clean shirt. He dries is dripping hair as he walks.
"Did you just call SHIELD?" he asks.
"Agent Taylor," I nod. "I traced the number from his phone. He approached me with hostility this time. Can't possibly imagine why."
Chris winks before padding over towards me.
"What did he say?"
"He said we can forget our plans for tonight because he is arranging us a flight to New York. According to him Director Fury isn't at all pleased with the situation."
"I believe the word 'pleased' is an understatement," Chris murmurs, running his hands through his damp blonde hair. "So no Sherlock tonight? Damn."
"We are going to have to give Benedict a miss I'm afraid," I say, thumbing the corner of my faded t - shirt with my fingers. I had been hoping my night to consist of cuddling up to Chris, Benedict Cumberbatch and a bottle of wine. Instead we had been requested to fly half way across the world to meet and greet people who wanted nothing more but to tear at my throat for what I had done. Having only met Director Fury on occasion, I hoped for him to approach me with the same kindness as he had done last time. This however, seemed unlikely.
"We have been arranged to board the eight pm flight from Heathrow to Manhattan." I read the text message Agent Taylor has sent me out loud. "A car will be waiting upon our arrival."
"We have an hour." Chris glances at the clock on the wall. "We'd better start packing."


"Welcome to Manhattan Miss Jones."
I step out off the plane, Chris following closely behind. Familiar smells of the city cause me to smile. Manhattan was a fragrance of sweat and smoke, laced with perfume and takeaways. It had always been an incredible city, filled with light and colour and sound. Next to London, it was my next favourite place in the world. I assumed I would have never been returning until now.
Chris laces his fingers through my own.
"Thank you," I politely address the driver who stands before us concealed in black.
Despite it having gone midnight, the driver wears tinted sunglasses - a common theme for those working under SHIELD.
"May I take your bags?" the driver gestures towards our suitcases.
We nod and allow him to collect our belongings before slipping inside the comfortable black leather Lexus. The windows are tinted and without the illumination of the airport behind us we would be sitting in complete darkness.
"Do you think you will see Tony?" Chris asks almost excitedly.
I shrug as I turn round to face him.
"Who knows?" I smile. "It would be great to see him again."
The driver climbs into the car and closes the door. We pull away smoothly from the airport, falling beneath the colourful attractive eye of the city. Chris's hand is still in mine as I gaze silently up at New York, from the buildings that scrape across the sky to the iconic yellow taxis zooming past us. A year on and it was like the city was never under attack at all.
Eventually the car stops beside a brightly lit canvas, a new one to replace the one Loki had destroyed last year. Beneath the glare of light I see three people. The driver opens the door and I step gingerly out, immediately tugging down my jumper nervously as I turn to address the agents of SHIELD. The first is a tall man with dark hair and even darker features. He watches me behind tinted lenses, his hands placed formally behind his back. I know straight away that he is Agent Taylor. The second is a woman, with brown hair which is pulled up into a respectable high bun. She wears a slim grey uniform with a blue earpiece which flickers every so often. The third and final person is Director Nick Fury.
"Miss Jones," a smile and a raise of a hand. "We meet again."
I calmly slide my hand into Director Fury's before shaking once.
"Director Fury," I return his smile. "I believe it has been a while."
"Over a year in fact," Director Fury answers coolly.
He gestures towards Agent Taylor and the woman.
"This is Agent Benjamin Taylor and Agent Maria Hill of SHIELD," Director Fury introduces formally.  Agent Taylor removes his glasses before going to shake my hand, saying nothing. His gaze is wary and appears to be on guard. Agent Hill also takes my hand and greets me politely.
"Let's get you and your friend inside," Director Fury says. "I'll have Thomas collect your belongings for you."
The SHIELD head quarters is spacious and filled with light. Surrounding us are agents conversing pieces of information to one another through large flickering virtual screens made of glass. There are blue pulsating holograms of my weapon which agents examine and collect data from.
"Our latest software," Agent Hill informs us. "We are currently trying to detect the whereabouts of the weapon. We find the weapon, we find Loki."
"So why do you require my help?" I suddenly ask.
All three agents simultaneously turn round.
"You are the closest connection to Loki we have," Director Fury explains. "Even Loki's own brother Thor doesn't know of his current whereabouts. The last sighting of Loki was of him escaping his cell after shooting one guard dead and killing several others. The moment Loki tries to tamper with your mind we will be ready for him."
"How do you know -" then I stopped.
"Leah," I whisper. "Leah told you of my...concern?"
"Leah Blake came into contact with us days after your experience. She believed that it was important we should know. I believe that you were still having therapy sessions with her?"
"Yes," I swallow sharply. "I was."
Director Fury looks me directly in the eyes before continuing.
"Dr Bruce Banner -"
"The Hulk!" Chris exclaims. "The Hulk is here?"
Directory Fury promptly clears his throat. I cringe awkwardly.
"Dr Banner doesn't appreciate it when people mention the Hulk," says Director Fury. "I wouldn't say anything in front of him I were you."
Embarrassed, Chris looks away. I squeeze his hand.
"Dr Banner has begun working on a new piece of tracking equipment which we would like you to test Miss Jones," Director Fury continues as we enter a series of white clinical corridors. "With your permission, we would like to perform a number of tests on you -"
"Wait," I turn to look at Director Fury. "I am not a lab rat you can conduct experiments on whenever you decide to. I am human after all."
"Dr Banner claims this will be the next step towards telekinetic communication. Since you have already been experiencing Loki's thoughts, we decided you would be the best person to do this."
"But I'm not -"
"Here we are," Director Fury says and the conversation comes to an abrupt end.
Dr Banner stands opposite the room as we enter, silently working on what appeared to be a metallic coloured headband. He looks up as we enter.
"Dr Banner, this is Miss Isobel Jones - a scientist like yourself."
Placing down the headband, Dr Banner rises and begins walking towards us.
"Hi," he says before clasping my hand.
"She is here to have a look at the Tracker," Director Fury says.
"Where's my introduction?"
I immediately turn round.
"Tony!" I squeal before flinging myself at him.
"Hiya Izzy," Tony says as I empower him with a hug.
He smells of liquor and oil. His brown eyes are large and filled with warmth and humour. He wears an AC/DC t-shirt and in the centre of his chest glows the infamous arc reactor. He is the same as I remembered him to be.
"You look great," Tony compliments before squeezing my shoulder. "Like, really great. Have you been working out?"
"Tony!" I push him playfully, giggling.
Director Fury steps forward.
"Mr Stark has been working alongside Dr Banner to create the Tracker, which should be completed soon I believe?"
"You can't rush a genius." Tony winks at me before striding over to Dr Banner. "We have all the components, with a little time and luck it should be working accordingly in no time," he says.
"Excellent," Director Fury says before turning to look at me. "You and your friend must be exhausted. Mr Stark has said you can have your old accommodation back whilst you are staying in New York."
At the mention of exhaustion I immediately yawn. Jet lag was already beginning to creep up on me.
"I'll take them," Tony offers almost immediately. "Tell Thomas to pack their stuff into my car."

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