Chapter Ten:

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"Loki," I say slowly. "Let him go."

Loki continues to hold a knife to Chris's throat.

"Please," I whisper, the tears slipping down my cheeks. "Don't hurt him."

Chris blanches, looking like he is about to throw up.

"I will do anything," I plead. "I will give you the weapon, I'll -"

"That isn't enough!" Loki growls venomously. "I offered you my love and you rejected it. Betrayed it even. To him."

"What you offered," I say gently.

"Wasn't love. It was blackmail."

"I can love," Loki snarls. "But if I can't have your heart, I can have your pain, Isobel Jones."

Loki teases the blade down Chris's throat. He gasps, and I watch as a thin trickle of blood drips from his neck onto his collarbone.

"Stop!" I cry out. "Leave him alone!"

I step towards Loki.

"Come any closer, and I will slit his throat," he warns coldly. "Your's too if you're not careful."

I stop, my legs turning to water. Then I remembered.

"Where are you going?" Loki shouts after me as I run into the bedroom. I slip my hand into my bag and retrieve the gun.

"This is all you've ever wanted." I hold the weapon out for Loki to see. "It can be destroyed."

Loki's eyes instantly light up like a child's at Christmas.

"You will never destroy it," Loki retorts. "You haven't got the heart."

"Believe me, I would," I threaten.

Loki seems to hesitate, giving me the advantage.

"I will make you an offer," I tell him. "The weapon, for Chris's life."

Loki narrows his eyes before sighing with annoyance.

"You allow mortal emotions to get the better of you," he says.

Loki lets Chris go. Chris stumbles clumsily towards me, massaging his throat with his fingers.

"Chris!" I pull him towards me and hug him fiercely. He appears somewhat shaken, but otherwise fine. I turn to look at Loki, my hand in Chris's. I offer him the weapon.

"Take it," I say. "It's yours."

"Gladly," says Loki and snatches the weapon from me. He runs his fingers over the pulsating gun, smiling wickedly.

"You got what you wanted," I say. "Now leave."

A moment of pain flashes briefly over his face, which is quickly replaced with hatred.

"Last chance," Loki says quietly. "Come with me, and I can assure no harm will come to you."

I shake my head.

"No. I'm sorry."

"Then I require nothing more from you. Goodbye Isobel."

"Goodbye, Loki."

Loki steps back, clutching the glowing weapon to his chest, grinning manically at us. We watch as he slowly fades out of existence, disappearing completely without trace. It was like he had never been here at all.

Chris turns to look at me. The wound on his neck had begun to close, the blood drying against his t-shirt.

"Isobel...what just happened?" he asks warily. I can't help but smile and shrug my shoulders.

"No idea," I say.


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