Chapter Eleven:

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Loki held the weapon in his hand. Lifting his head, he was no longer a hologram standing within Isobel's keep - or rather, her distasteful accommodation. Loki stroked the plastic coated weapon with his fingers. Having gotten what he wanted, he now wanted nothing more to do with the whore. For a while he had enjoyed prying into her small and susceptible mind, finding pieces of information believed to have been kept hidden from everyone else. A slip of the tongue and the entire world would know what she had done. Grinning, Loki raises the gun, coiling his fingers around the trigger and finding its release. Isobel had been useful for one thing. Loki could compliment her on that.

Three weeks later

"Honey, we need to tell someone."

Chris looks at me like I have officially gone mad. Maybe I have.

"If you are implying that we tell SHIELD -"

"I am."

Chris groans in exasperation, falling back against the sofa and covering his face with his hands. I bite back a smile as I lean towards him, gently prising one of his hands away from his eyes.

"I should have told them sooner. I should have informed them what Loki was doing from the beginning. Not only are SHIELD going to be pissed that he has escaped, they are going to be pissed because I handed over a weapon he could ultimately destroy the world with."

It is my turn to groan. What had I done? I mentally shake myself. SHIELD were going to be furious, I could ensure it. Chris encircles my waist before drawing me towards him. Lying against him, I breathe in him familiar warm scents; recently showered skin, crushed mint leaves and cologne. He smells divine. Chris brushes his cheek against the top of my head, wrapping his arms around me as I perch on his lap. I often wonder how he doesn't complain of me doing this. I am certain to have gained weight since he has started cooking all the time.

"Isobel, I don't want you getting involved anymore than you have done already. SHIELD is to blame for what happened with Loki. He was going to slit my throat. You saved my life." Chris take my hand and squeezes it appreciatively. "Without you, I was certain to have died."

I grip onto his hand tightly, reluctant to let go.

"I wasn't going to let you die Christopher," I whisper. "You are my life. You always have been."

Chris chuckles softly.

"But I am already involved." I turn round to face him.

Chris's laughter fades.

"SHIELD deserve to know what has happened," I tell him. "That weapon is dangerous. Loki knows too much of its potential. We need to get it out of his hands and deal with this mess I have created. I just wish I hadn't dragged you into it."

I hadn't meant for any of this to happen. I thought what I had been doing was satisfying everybody. Instead I had only been making the situation worse. Leaning towards me, Chris grazes my lips with his mouth.

"Alright," he whispers, his blue eyes bright with determination. "If you are going to speak with SHIELD, you aren't doing it without me. We are in this together."

I smile. This is why I loved him. He would always be certain to be there whenever I needed him, never satisfied until I was.

"You sure?" I snake my arm around his neck. "Certain you won't be changing your mind?"

"Not unless you change it for me," Chris purrs, his breath soft against my neck. "I know you can be extremely persuasive at times."

"Shall we put that to the test?" I say teasingly.

A devious smile tugs at the corners of his mouth.

"Try me."

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