Chapter Seven:

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There is a soft click as I insert the final piece into the weapon. Finally. I hold it out in front of me. It was finished. I glance out of the window. The soft grey streaks of dawn seeped into the flat, removing some of the night's darkness. The air outside smelled of a promising rain. Today I was to made my decision: Loki, or SHIELD? Both were as equally as bad as each other. I place the weapon onto the side. I take a shower before dressing in a buttoned shirt and favoured black jeans. I made an effort with my face, applying some make up as I allowed my hair to dry naturally dark and wavy down my back. I reached for my most comfortable footwear and shrugging my bag over my shoulder, close the door behind me.


"Isobel! I wasn't expecting you today! Please come in." Leah smiles, for now what I realised to be a forced application, as I take my seat behind her desk. Leah sits down in front of me.
"How can I help you?"
"Leah," I begin, reaching over to brush my fingers over my file. "I believe that I will not be acquiring your therapy sessions any longer." I directly meet and hold her gaze. "Oh?" Leah's expression is divided.
"Yes." I raise myself from her desk before walking towards the window. "You see, I have found someone. Or rather, they found me."
I hear Leah's chair scrape against the floor as she stands.
"That's excellent news!" she gushes with fakery. "I am so pleased."
Liar, I snarl.
I turn round to face her, giving her a smile of my own. Leah's fades.
"Isobel? Are you feeling alright? You appear -"
"Changed? Yes, I think that was the word you was looking for." I begin to move at ease towards her. Leah appears uncomfortable. I notice she is eyeing the telephone at her desk. I stand in front of her, deliberately blocking her access.
"I feel changed," I smile. "I no longer have those dreams. I no longer have voices speaking to me. Personally, I think it was all down to you."
"Me?" Leah squeaks.
"Yes." I hold out my hand.
After staring at me for a moment, Leah appears reluctant as she slides her hand into my own.
"Thank you." I squeeze her hand hard. "For nothing!" I remove the weapon from out of my bag and hastily pull the trigger.
There is an explosion of brilliant blue light which bursts like a falling star. Leah's screams are unheard as she hits the floor like a anchor, her head striking the floor with a sickening crack. Tendrils of blue crackling light writhe and slither and pulsate from out of the weapon, swiftly making their path throughout the building. Those caught within the smoke can be heard as their screams echo through the walls and are ended quickly. Replacing the weapon inside my bag, I kneel down beside Leah's body. Both her eyes and mouth are open. There is a gaping hole in the centre of her chest, blood blossoming over her once expensive silk blouse, staining the white material scarlet. Her dead eyes stare skywards, a single red - tinged tear trickling slowly down her cheek.
"Sentiment." I whisper, passing a hand over her eyes.

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