Chapter 17- The note

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Luke's POV

Abby was laying lifeless in Beau's arms, I ran to her side and held her hand. Her eyes kept fluttering and her hand tightened around mine.

"Come on Abby, hold on baby, please I can't lose you. I love you so so much" I cried

"I-I-I'm sorry, I love you" Abby whispered before her eyes closed.

"No Abby! Wake up, come one baby. I love you please d-dont leave m-me" I cried


Beau's POV

Me and Luke are at the hospital, Abby is still in surgery so we don't know anything yet but the doctor said that they don't think she will make it. Luke hasn't said a word since he got here all he does is cry, I can't loose Abby I love her she is like family. I just wish I could of seen that she was this sad that she wanted to kill herself.

"I'm gonna ring Jai and James to tell them what's happened" I told Luke

"Okay" Luke said through the tears.

Jai's POV

Me and James were juts having a movie night when Beau rang, it was quite late so it was unusual for him to be ringing at this time.

"Hey Beau is everything okay?" I asked

"No somethings happened" Beau said I could tell he was crying 

"What's happened, are you and Luke okay?" I started panicking

"Were fine its erm A-Abby, she's in surgery the doctors don't think she will make it." Beau said, my heart just stopped knowing that I might not see Abby again.

"What happened to her?" I was in tears and so was James because I put it on loud speaker so he could hear.

"She tried to kill herself I got there just in time, I got to go please just come to Glenroy hospital" Beau asked

"We will be right there bye Beau"

I hung up and me and James got into the car and headed to the hospital.

Luke's POV

Jai and James got here and gave both me and Beau a hug and we filled them in on what had happpened and Jai had tears streaming down his face. We tried calling Daniel but he didn't answer. I can't believe Abby might not make it, I should of known I should of helped her. I reached in my pocket and got out the note that Abby had in her hand when we found her, I totally forgot about it until now.

"Erm guys Abby had this note in her hand, it has all our names on it, we should read it" I told them

The boys all gathered round me, we were all crying and I could tell Abby was crying while she wrote this because it was all smudged. The note read:

To Daniel I'm sorry you hate me but your still my brother whether you want me as a sister or not, I juts wanted to thank you for all the good times we had before all this drama, i will always love you no matter what. Thank you for being there for me and looking after me for all these years xx

To James I love you so much and I have known you a bit longer than the other boys are you were always there for me. I want to thank you for everything, if I ever needed anything I could always ask you. I'm so sorry I never got to say a proper goodbye but I want you to know I'll never forget you, I love you xx

To Jai Bear, I love you so much Jai. That will always be your nickname and thank you for all the good times we have had and for always cheering me up. You mean so much to me thank you for being my bestfriend and I'll see you again sometime, love you so much xx

To BeauJob, thank you for always making me laugh, I could always come to you for advice or if I needed anything. I can't thank you enough for all that you have done for me, I'm gonna miss all our jokes and all the times you joke around with me. Thank you Beau, i love you xx

To Gina thank you for being like a mum to me, you were always there for me, im sorry I aren't strong like you. Please take care of the boys for me especially Luke. You are amazing and I love you xx

To Luke, I left you to last because I didn't want to say goodbye. You have no idea how sorry i am to be leaving you. I love you so so so much and i always will. Every since I first saw you I knew I loved you, Luke you have made me so happy and I can't thank you enough for that. I'll be watching over you and hopefully I'll see you again one day. I want you to live your life and get married and have kids in the future, you deserve to be happy. Please don't forget about me, i love you more than  anything <3

I love every single one of you, and I wish you all the best in the future, i'll see you again one day. I'm sorry goodbye <3

Abby xx

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