Chapter 20- The News

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"I'm afraid I have some bad news, Abby.....


Luke's POV

"I'm afraid I have some bad news, Abby cut very deep but we managed to stitch her wounds up. However she did lose a lot of blood and we had to pump her stomach because of the amount of pills she swallowed which made her heart stop multiple times. We have done are best but sadly she slipped into a coma. I'm Sorry"

" W-w-when will she wake up" I stuttered

" It could be a few days, months or even years, i'm sorry. You can go see her now" The doctor said

I couldn't believe what the doctors told me, my baby is in a coma. It could be months before i hear her laugh again or see her beautiful eyes again. 

Beau and Jai went in first to see Abby then Daniel and James. They let me go last so I could have more time with her.

Beau's POV

Me and Jai went to see Abby first, I hated seeing her like this she looked so pale and fragile. She had loads of wires hooked up to her and her wrists were all banged up.

" Hey Abby, I dont know if you can hear me but I love you, you are like my little sister and I care about you so much. Please come back to us, we all miss you especially Luke he can't stop crying. I love Abby please wake up." 

I kissed her forehead before walking about Jai.

Luke's POV

Daniel and James came out of Abby's rooms, Daniel looked so broken. I knew he was sorry but i cant forgive him fully yet for what he did to her. He broke her when he was suppose to be there for her.

I walked into her room to see her lying there so lifeless. I love her so much she means the world to me.

"Baby please wake up! I know how strong you are, please wake up. I miss you, none of us are the same without you. I'm not sure if you can here me but if you can please wake up soon, I am going to stay here till you do, I promise I'll be here the whole time. Love you baby" I cried

*3 days later*

I've been sat in the same chair holding Abby's hand for 3 days and she still hasn't woken up. I hate the fact that it could be months before she wakes up. I haven't eaten in days because I'm too afraid that if I leave she will wake up. The boys and my mum have tried to get me to go home but I refuse everytime. I just need my baby to wake up so I can hold her and kiss her.

Jai's POV

Luke hasn't left the hospital since Abby first went there, Its been hard on all of us Abby was always the one to make us all laugh with her cute laugh and her dopey jokes. Beau has taken it harder than I expected, Abby means a lot to all of us but her and Beau had something special they were like brother and sister who told each other everything. Its hard not having her around.

Beau went to the hospital a few hours ago to give Luke some food and fresh clothes, I stayed home with James and Daniel, we were watching Abby's favourite film which was The Lion King. I swear her and Luke were just made for each other. We were enjoying the movie till Beau called, he ruins everything the slut!.

*B- Beau,  J- Jai*

J- Hey Beau

B- Get to the hospital quick it's Abby!

J- WHAT! Is she okay!

B- The doctors say she is waking up, hurry up and get here!

Beau said before hanging up, I can't believe she is waking up I miss her so much. I told James and Daniel and we went to the hospital to see Abby, I also texted my mum to tell her the news. So happy I can see her again, I'm gonna give her a big hug when I see her.

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