Chapter 21- I missed you

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First all of i just wanted to apologise for the lack of updates had some personal problems and i lost my Uncle just before christmas so i havent been updating. Thanks to everyone for reading, this is my first story and I didnt think if would get this many reads so thank you xx

The song on the side is for this chapter, I love boyce Avenue!


Daniel's POV

I can't believe Abby is waking up, I have missed her so much. I can't wait to give her a hug and tell her how sorry I am, I realised that Luke makes her happier than I have ever seen her and that's all I've ever wanted.

Abby's POV

I still couldn't open my eyes, all I saw was black. I could here someone talking which I think was Luke but I couldn't really make out what they were saying. I don't know if I'm dead or not, even though I wish I was I miss Luke so much. He always knew how to make me smile, he is the best thing that has happened to me.

I kept trying to open my eyes but I couldn't, I managed to squeeze Luke's hand. I missed the feel of Luke, the feeling I had when he use to hold me in his arms.

"Baby, wake up. Abby if you can hear me please open your eyes for me I love you" I heard Luke say. After trying for a long time my eyes finally opened and I saw Luke sat next to me with puffy eyes.

Luke's POV

The doctor said she was waking up, I couldn't believe it. I love Abby so much I dont know what I would do if she didnt make it. Me and Beau were is her room waiting for her to wake up. She squeezed me hand but didn't open her eyes.

"Baby, wake up. Abby if you can hear me please open your eyes for me I love you" I told her hoping she could hear me.

Me and Beau waited for what seemed like hours until we heard a small croaky voice.

"L-Luke" She had finally opened her eyes, I could finally see her beautiful eyes and hear her voice again.

"OMG Abby! I love you so so much. Please never scare me like that again okay. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you, I promise that I will always be here because you mean everything to me" I said giving her a massive hug.

"You don't need to apologise, I chose to do it, it wasn't your fault. I love you so much Luke" She said before kissing me passionatley.

I missed her so much, I finally had her back and im going to make sure I dont lose her again.

"Sorry to interupt but I'm here aswell" Beau said

"OMG Beau I missed you, thank you for everything. I'm sorry you had to find me like that" Abby said. Seeing Abby like that broke me heart, I felt sick seeing her laid on the bathroom floor lifeless knowing I couldn't do anything.

"I missed you to Abby, you dont need to apologise but please don't do it again. I can't lose you, your like my baby sister" Beau said. 

Beau always tried to be strong for everyone but I could see he wanted to cry but he held in his tears. It affected him alot, we were all a wreck but Beau took it harder than I thought he would.

Jai,Daniel and James finally arrived and went to see Abby. Skip waited outside because he wanted to go last to apologise. I forgave Skip for what he did because he is my best friend but I can''t forget it, he hurt Abby alot and is going to have to make up for it.

Daniel's POV

Everyone had been to see Abby, I waited till last because I don't know how long it would take for Abby to forgive me. She meant everything to me and I promised her I would always protect her but I didn't. I am so mad at myself because I know what she did was partly because of me and I'll never forget that.

Abby was sat in her bed holding the teddy Jai had brought her earlier, she was really pale and looked tired. She was joyful like she usually was.

"Abby" I said

She turned to look at me but turned away as soon as she saw it was me, my heart broke knowing she couldn't even look at me. I went and sat down next to her, she had a few tears falling down her cheeks.

"Hey, don't cry okay. I'm so glad that you're okay, I don't know what I would of done if you didn't make it. Please look at me Abby, I am so so sorry for the way I treated you. I'm your brother I'm suppose to protect you not hurt you. I want you to know everything mean I said I didn't mean it I was just mad. Please forgive me Abby. I love you so much and when I found out you were in hospital because you tried to kill yourself I knew it was my fault. Please don't hurt yourself anymore, us boys have all posted something on twitter to stop the hate and I promise you I will do anything to make up for what I did. I miss hearing your laugh and seeing you smile. I see now how much Luke means to you and I want you to be with him. He makes you happy and that's all I've ever wanted, I love you Abby" I said at this point tears were streaming down both our faces.

"I love you Skip and I forgive you, Thank you for everything. I truly love luke" She said through the tears before hugging me and crying into my chest.

"I know you do and I love you too" I told her

I finally had my sister back, I'm so glad she forgave me.


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