Chapter 22- Finally Home

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"Hey, don't cry okay. I'm so glad that you're okay, I don't know what I would of done if you didn't make it. Please look at me Abby, I am so so sorry for the way I treated you. I'm your brother I'm suppose to protect you not hurt you. I want you to know everything mean I said I didn't mean it I was just mad. Please forgive me Abby. I love you so much and when I found out you were in hospital because you tried to kill yourself I knew it was my fault. Please don't hurt yourself anymore, us boys have all posted something on twitter to stop the hate and I promise you I will do anything to make up for what I did. I miss hearing your laugh and seeing you smile. I see now how much Luke means to you and I want you to be with him. He makes you happy and that's all I've ever wanted, I love you Abby" I said at this point tears were streaming down both our faces.

"I love you Skip and I forgive you, Thank you for everything. I truly love luke" She said through the tears before hugging me and crying into my chest.

"I know you do and I love you too" I told her

I finally had my sister back, I'm so glad she forgave me.


*2 days later*

Abby had been let out of the hospital the night she woke up. Luke never left her side and the boys made sure they came round everyday to see how she was. Abby was recovering slowly but she still felt worthless inside but didnt want to tell Luke.

Luke's POV

Abby has been in bed since she got out of the hospital because the doctor said she had to rest. I didn't want to leave her side in case anything happens, she says she is better but I dont believe her. Abby isn't herself, she hardly talks and doesn't smile. I love her so much, and I just want her to get better.

I love watching her sleep because she looks so peaceful, she is curled up into a ball with her head on my chest. I love cuddling her because I know she is safe.

Abby's POV

I woke up to see Luke sleeping, he looks so cute when he sleeps. He means the world to me, if I didn't have him in my life I wouldn't be able to cope. I got out of bed without waking Luke up, I'm sick of staying in bed and the pills the doctor gave me aren't helping they make me feel sick and dizzy.

I went to get a shower to make me feel better but it just reminded me of that night. The way I was sat on the bathroom floor ready to end my life.


I checked my twitter and all it was was hate:

You're ugly



you dont deserve Luke

Kill yourself

I just couldn't take it anymore

*Flashback over*

I couldn't handle it I just collapsed on the floor in tears, I dont get why everyone  hates me.

"Baby, what's wrong" Luke came running over

Luke's POV

I woke up but Abby wasn't there I was going to go downstairs as I figured she would be making breakfast but I heard a thud in the bathroom.  I ran in to see Abby on the floor crying her eyes out.

"Baby, What's wrong" I said

" I-I-I can't take it any-ymore, everyone hates me" She just cried while I held her in my arms. I kills me to see her like this

"No, they don't baby. I love you more than anything, Daniel loves you and the boys adore you. Don't listen to the haters baby, you are amazing. You're so beautiful and so so perfect I love you so much" I told her whilst holding her in my arms. 

We stayed like that for about an hour until she fell asleep again. I just want her to be okay, I need my beautiful girl back.


Thank you so much for reading, again I wanted to say sorry about the wait had a lot of stuff on. Please share this story and vote and comment.

Could everyone do me a huge favour and follow @Keep_fighting_x  on twitter please.


Twitter: @lewkybrooks_

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