Chapter 7

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"So how was your date with mom?" Henry wiggled his eyebrows. I just smiled at him. "Oh come on Emma. She won't tell me anything so you have to tell me."

I thought for a moment considering what to say. Of course the date was amazing. Regina was absolutely perfect. I don't want to get Henry's hopes up though. What if this doesn't work out and Regina leaves me just like everyone else has?

"Kid, it was only our first date. It's not like you fall in love after one date together. We're still getting to know each other and these things take time." I was proud of my answer. It sounded like something Regina would say.

Henry stopped walking and looked at me. "I didn't ask if you were in love. I just asked how your date went." He smiled.

Alright Emma, way to go. "The date went well."

"Do you like bowling? Was it a good plan for her to take you to the alley?" Henry asked.

I looked at him. "How did you know she took me bowling? I thought she wouldn't tell you anything."

"Okay Emma you don't have to talk about the date if you don't want to. I understand if you two want your privacy.." He picked up his walking speed.


I sat at my desk at the sheriff's office playing with the pen that's between my finger and my thumb. I was supposed to be doing paperwork but I got so bored I had to take a break. It would've been smart to get up and leave the office, maybe take a walk to Granny's, but I'm feeling lazy today and I stayed glued to my seat.

I don't know what about this pen is so interesting but I couldn't take my eyes off of it.

The phone rang causing me to jump and throw the pen to the floor. I quickly contained myself and picked up the phone. "Sheriff's Office, this is Emma Swan."

"Hello Miss Swan." The deep voice said on the other line.

"Regina? Why didn't you just call my cell?" I asked.

"I already have this number memorized so it was easier." Regina said.

I shrugged as a response, realizing that she obviously couldn't hear me shrug through the phone.

"I had fun last night. Thank you." I smiled to myself.

"No, thank you. It's been a very long time since I've been on a date and I'm glad it was with you." I knew Regina was smiling on the other side of the phone. I could tell by her voice. That's something that I learned about her. She has obvious different voices. This is the one I enjoyed the most, the one where she was clearly happy. It made it even better that that smile was caused due to me.

"I haven't dated in a while either... Henry had a lot of questions this morning."

"He always has a lot of questions. He's a lot like you."

I smiled at Regina's revelation. This was a big step, Regina admitting that Henry and I were alike.

"Did you tell him that we went bowling?" I paused quickly. "He told me that you wouldn't tell him anything but then asked if I liked to bowl."

She chuckled on her end. "I didn't tell him. Maybe he's spying on us."

We both shared a laugh. I don't know why we laughed because knowing Henry, it's completely possible that he was spying on us.

"What did you tell him about our date then?" Regina asked shyly.

"At first I kind of put my foot in my mouth but then I just said the date went well."

Regina giggled, "And how did you put your foot in your mouth?"

I didn't want to tell her what I actually said because well, I really didn't want to bring that up again so I played it off.

"You know me, always rambling on and making a fool of myself with my words."

When I finished I realized that sounded even more stupid than what I actually said to Henry.

Regina just agreed but nothing was said. I figured she just didn't want to bring it up again.

"Regina, do you want to go out again? We don't have to. I mean I don't know what you want so it's up to you. I know we're still getting to know each other but I like you and I think it would be nice to get to know you even more. So in order to do that we probably have to go out again. I..."

I was cut off by Regina chuckling.

"Emma. Calm down. I would love to go out again."

I could tell she was smiling again.

"Oh. Okay. How about this weekend? Does Saturday sound okay?"

"Saturday is perfect."

We both stayed silent on the line. Until I heard someone else in the room with Regina.

"I have a meeting now so I have to go. But I will see you tomorrow."

"Goodbye Regina."

"Goodbye Emma."

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