Chapter 12

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I felt a breeze as Regina slammed the door in my face. "Regina. Come on. Let's talk about this. You aren't even giving me a chance." I said banging on the door.

I got no response. I leaned my head against the door and knocked a few more time. "Please let me talk to you." I huffed.

The door finally opened and I stumbled forward a little. There was no doubt Regina was crying. Her eyes were red and puffy and I could see tear stains on her face.

"Explain." She said coldly.

"I promise I haven't been ignoring you. Work has been insane the last 3 days. I arrested Killian because the last couple of days since he's arrived I've had at least 10 people in the station reported stolen objects. I've been so busy with that stuff during the day I've been exhausted every night when I got home. Most of the time I didn't even change my clothes after I got home and I just passed out in my jeans. My cell phone is probably in my room somewhere dead. I wouldn't avoid you Regina. Our last day was amazing. At least I thought so. I was so happy when you came into the station today cause I knew we'd finally be able to talk about it and have the chance to plan another date. I'm sorry Killian ruined that. I don't know why he's so cocky. I told him so many times he didn't stand a chance in hell of getting with me. I barely spoke a word to him." I rambled.

Regina looked at me. She was thinking about her response. "I'm sorry." She whispered staring at the ground.

I smiled at her. "Sorry what did you say?"

She glanced up at me and I could see the smile on her lips. "I said I'm sorry okay? I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions."

I brought my hand up to stroke her cheek. "It's okay Regina. Just know if there's anyone who tries to hit on me they will be told that I've already got a thing for someone."

"Do I know this person?" She teased.

"You might. She's the mayor, super hot, can totally rock a pants suit."

Regina's laugh made me smile so hard my cheeks hurt. I grabbed her hand.

"So can we plan the next date now? I've missed you." I admitted.

"I missed you too. So much." She smiled.

I leaned forward and brought my lips to hers. When we pulled away I whispered against her mouth. "I've missed your lips too."

I looked around and realized I was still on the porch and her door was still wide open. I think she read my mind and she grabbed me by the jacket and pulled me inside. She closed the door as she slammed me up against it. Her mouth met mine in a hot kiss. I wasted no time in moving my hands to her ass and pulling her closer. I could've sworn I heard her moan at that. She pushed my jacket down my arms and the sound of it hitting the floor tore us apart.

"We should stop." I said out of breath but she kissed me again. I allowed her tongue to find mine. "You're right." She said breaking apart momentarily only to find my mouth again. I smiled into the kiss. "We should stop." She added still not pulling away.

I moved one hand to the small of her back. The other moved to massage her breast over her dress. She moaned into my mouth and it only encouraged me to continue. I moved my hand inside of her bra and I felt a hard nipple against my palm. I rolled it between two fingers. She moaned again.

We heard laughter and the sound of footsteps heading up the driveway and we jumped apart. "Shit." I whispered. I grabbed my jacket off the floor and placed a quick kiss to Regina's cheek. Her face was flushed. I pulled her to the kitchen quickly while wiping of the lip stick I knew was now staining my mouth. I sat down at the island and she grabbed each of us a bottle of water. We both obviously needed to cool down.

I opened it and chugged quickly.

Soon we were joined by Henry and his friend in the kitchen. "Hey Emma. I didn't know you'd be here." He smiled. "I just had to stop over to talk to your mom." I added. "Cool. We'll be upstairs." He said nodding at his friend.

We listened for their footsteps to disappear and for the door to close. "That was close." I chuckled. "Too close." Regina answered. She was clearly not amused. "Well maybe if you didn't attack me with that mouth of yours." I pointed at her. "Excuse me? You're the one who grabbed me with those hands." She said pointing back. "The sounds you were making were too encouraging. You obviously didn't want me to stop." I smirked. Her face turned bright red.

I hopped off the chair and walked around to where she was standing on the other side of the counter. I pressed my body into her back and chuckled when I felt her suck in a breath. I placed my hands on her stomach over her dress and kissed her shoulder a few times before backing away. I leaned against the counter behind where Regina was standing. She glanced at me over her shoulder before turning around.

"Emma." She said in a low voice. I smirked. "God what I wouldn't give to be alone right now." Her eyes closed and she took a deep breath with her bottom lip in between her teeth.

Her eyes opened up again and I smiled at her. "I think we need to plan our date now and keep a few feet apart until you leave." She said. I chuckled. "How about I cook for you? I'll have Henry plan a night at his friends and it'll just be you and I. I'll cook dinner here." She said.

"That sounds great. Friday?" I asked her. She nodded. "Be here at 630."

"Yes ma'am." I smiled. "See you in a couple of days." I took a few steps toward her. She moved backward so she was leaning against the counter again. I moved forward again and placed my hands on each side of her, holding onto the counter. I watched her suck in her bottom lip again. I smirked and then attached my lips to hers. She pulled me closer with her hands on my cheeks.

I pulled away before it could deepen anymore. There was already a throbbing down below that I knew I'd be taking care of when I got home. I placed one final kiss to her mouth before grabbing my jacket off the chair and exited the house.

I sat in my car and took a few deep breaths. "Fuck." I smiled before driving off in the direction of my apartment.

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