Chapter 9

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I admitted to Regina so much tonight. I admitted to my feelings for her. I told her I didn't want to leave her.

Now here we are in my car in her driveway. We both leaned in for the kiss.

It started slow, both of us too afraid to push too far. But at some point Regina's tongue slid along my bottom lip so I let her have more access to explore.

I was the first to move my hands. I started on her shoulders but now they're freely roaming all of her that was possible.

She tangled her fingers into my hair and pulled me closer into her. I knew that caused me to moan but I was hoping she didn't hear it.

We pulled away when we were out of breath. Our eyes opened slowly and our hands stayed in the same positions. Both of us kept our eyes locked on the other. Once I saw Regina's bottom lip get sucked between her teeth all my focus went to that.

"Do you want to come inside?" She whispered. I bit my own lip and nodded. "We have to be quiet because of Henry." I nodded once more.

When inside she pulled me up the stairs to her bedroom. I'd never been in her bedroom before but I'm sure I could tell you what it looked like just based off knowing Regina how I did now.

Regina closed the door behind us and locked it. She slowly walked toward me and her hand cupped my face. Her thumb grazed my lips. "You're beautiful you know?" I whispered into the touch and she smiled.

Our lips meant once again. This time, it was quickly heated. I ran my hands down her back but stopped right above her butt. Her hands were clasped together around my neck.

Neither one of us made any further moves. We just stood in each other's arms lips and tongues moving together.

I pulled back slightly. I moved my hand to her face. "We don't have to do anything. We can just sleep." I smiled.

I wasn't sure if I was ready to take this step with her. Of course I wanted her. I have since I laid eyes on her the very first time. She was incredible and so sexy. But I also don't want to ruin things between us.

I've done this before, I've slept with women I really liked after not much time and things didn't work out because we moved to quickly. I don't want that to happen here.

Regina continued kissing me while moving us back to her bed. My knees hit the mattress and I fell backwards. I crawled toward the top of the bed and she followed me. Then her lips were on mine.

She kissed me hard. Her fingers played with the fabric of my dress on my stomach but she didn't make any other moves.

If she were to continue on like this so would I. Things could still go wrong after this but there was no saying for sure. I'm scared but I'll probably always be scared. I would hope and pray that she wouldn't leave me after this. I don't think I could bare to lose her now.

Almost as if she read mind. She pulled back from me. Her finger tips traced the features of my face.

"I want you Emma. So much. But I don't know if I'm ready yet." She breathed.

I leaned forward and kissed her fingers. "How about we just cuddle?" I asked her.

She pressed her lips to mine once more before rolling off the bed. "Would you like some pajamas?" She asked shyly. I nodded.

She handed me a pair of pajamas from her dresser. "Damn. Even your pjs are fancy." She smirked over her shoulder. "I'm going to change in the bathroom. You can change in here." Regina said walking into her bathroom.

I plopped down onto her mattress and smiled to myself. This woman might be the death of me.

I changed quickly and then folded my dress and placed in on top of Regina's dresser. Then I climbed up her bed and under the covers. Just then she came walking out.

God she looked breathtaking. No makeup on, in her pajamas, and glasses perched on top of her nose.

"You look amazing." I said.

"I'm not even wearing any makeup." She shrugged sliding in next to me.

She rolled on her side to face me. "You don't need to be wearing any makeup." I ran the tip of my finger down her nose and over her lips. I kissed her again.

We both stayed on our sides facing each other.

"Thank you for tonight." Regina whispered.

"Anytime." I smiled.

"I mean thanks for not rushing me into sleeping with you too." She said awkwardly.

I placed my hand on her bare arm across from me. "Hey, I would never force you to do something you aren't ready for. I don't even know if I'm ready either. But it'll happen when it happens." She kissed my arm that was now stretched between the two of us.

We talked for a little while but before long, we were both yawning. I switched my position to lay on my back and opened my arm for Regina to move in. Her head laid on my chest, her arm laid across my stomach and her leg was resting on top of mine.

I kissed the top of her head. "Goodnight Regina." All I got was a hum in response. After only a few minutes my eyes fell shut and I too had fallen asleep.

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