Chapter Two ♪

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Hai Guise. Hope you liked this chapter.

I'm putting my author notes at the top now I guess.

Well, I wrote this chapter. Annnd thennnn, the whole fcking thing got deleted. Yep. So I had to try and remember what I wrote, and write it all down. Fun, right? Hell no. I was so frustrated, to tears nearly :/ So yeah, sorry if this isn't that good, it's a lot worse than the original thing I wrote was.

Let me know if you have any tips or pointers or see any mistakes or anything, & I'll give you a cookie and my eternal love. Great deal, eh? :D

Also! Sorry if there's A LOT of swearing in this, hehe :3 I tend to swear quite a lot, and so I put it in my stories pretty often, without even realising... But I figured hey, Zayn and Louis are dark angels anyway, they can swear right? Right. Well...idk. haha.

'Kay, I'll shut up now. Quick question though: how do y'all want Niall to show up in this? & do you want it to just be Larry, or some other bromance too?


Liam sifted through the papers he had stacked on the musty desk. "Liiii, have you found anything yet?" "Harry, would you stop being so impatient. Patience is a virtue. This is going to take quite some time, we have a lot of records you know." "Can I go out while you're doing all of this then? You can get your own papers." Liam sighed. "For the sake of my sanity, yes, go out by all means. Go have fun while I sit here and slave over old musty angel history records. Sounds like an ideal night to me," He answered sarcastically. "Oooh, wittle Leeyum does have a bite!" Harry cooed in a baby voice. "Alright, alright, I'll stay and get--"

"SHUT UP!" Liam said, staring at the page he was holding. "I found something! Here,, wait, this is just a record of a meeting, not the outcome...but then if there' that means.." "Liam, would you please stop mumbling and speak up!" "Right, so, there is a record here from 1820 I found of a dark angel and light angel meeting. I don't see any footnotes of things happening, so I'll have to dig deeper."

"I'm taking a nap. Wake me up if you find anything...and also if you want to die. I didn't have enough sleep this morning because someone thought it was bloody brilliant to wake me up at 5 for drills that aren't even required!" "Mm, sorry.." Liam said absentmindedly. "I don't see much, mostly these are records of births or deaths...there were a lot of deaths going on, maybe that's why they're aren't so many of us these's one record of a conversion...WAIT, CONVERSION?!"


"Za-ayn!" Louis said in a sing-song voice. "Malik! Zayn! Ay, Z!" Louis looked around, searching for his raven-haired friend. "'M'on the cou'." He heard a voice say sleepily. "Zayn get your fat arse up I need your help!" "'M not cleanin' your room 'gain." Louis sighed, exasperated. "'Kay, I'll just leave you alone.."

He ran to the kitchen and filled a bucket full of cold water. He tip-toed back to the couch where Zayn had fallen back to sleep peacefully. "Aw, how adorable." Louis whispered to himself. "Heh, he won't be so adorable when I dump this on him...3...2...1..." Louis turned over the bucket, splashing the water all over Zayn. He shot up, looking at the water all over him confusedly. "Hmm..?" He looked around. His eyes fell on Louis, who was doubled over with laughter on the other couch. "LOUIS! I'M GIVING YOU TWO DAMN SECONDS TO GET THE HELL OUT OF MY SIGHT BEFORE I MURDER YOU WITH MY BARE HANDS!" "WAIT DON'T KILL ME! I WAS TRYING TO GET YOUR ATTENTION, I SAW A LIGHT ANGEL!"

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