Chapter One ♪

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Harry Styles chuckled, walking around the superstore aimlessly with his best mate, Liam Payne. They didn't currently have any assignments, so there were just horsing around until one of them got a prompt. Liam had donned a pink feather boa and a ginger mustache. He came strutting down the aisle towards Harry. "Where did you get those!" He exclaimed between fits of laughter at Liam's model walk. "Craft aisle! Come with me, let's get you dressed up and we can walk around the store like this!" Liam tugged on his hand and skidded towards the aisle he was looking for.

"They have orange boas too!" Harry raced over to grab one and threw it on, and then darted around, throwing other random craft items together to make himself a fedora. "Aren't I fabulous Liam? Oooh, wait here's a peacock feather for my hat!" He attached it to the brim of his hat and attempted to walk like Liam had moments earlier. "Am I doing it right?" "No no no Harry! You've gotta sashay more!" Harry tried again, jiggling his hips more, laughing the entire time.

"Y'know, I think going to that fashion show with Clarissa was bad for the both of us." "Aw, c'mon, she was ascending! We had to go! Besides, she would have had our heads if we hadn't gone." "Pfft, that chick is the most violent angel I know. How she ascended is beyond me." "Someones jealous. No, stop Harry! Please stop that atrocious thing you're doing. What in Jet Puff's name are you doing?" Liam never swore, he made it a practice not to, so he always used food instead. Harry laughed even more at Liam's odd substitute for curse words, by now almost rolling on the floor. "Can't breathe, can't breathe! 'Kay, this is the last time I'm trying this." He readied himself and then started walking down the aisle, looking more like he was having a seizure than anything. He looked back, still "sashaying". "Eh, I've got it down now haven't I? I think--oof!"

Harry had run smack dab into someone while he was looking backwards. He landed sprawled across the other person. "Uh, oops.." He glanced up at the person he had fallen on and was met by a handsome guy with clear ocean blue eyes. "Hi!" The guy stuck out his hand, accidently jabbing it into his chest due to their close proximity. "Names Tomlinson. Louis Tomlinson." He shook his head. "Doesn't sound as cool as Bond. Anyway, mind hopping up? You're not the lightest guy around." Harry scrambled up, trying not to blush. "I'm so, so sorry about that! I'm Harry by the way. I wasn't looking where I was going, and I--" Harry stopped talking, his jaw dropping to the floor when he noticed.

"You have WINGS?! You're a dark Angel! We met, oh no we met! We talked! We touched! Oh my God, what's going to happen whe--" Louis had a similar reaction when he saw intricate wings fluttering around the green eyed boy. How they hadn't noticed before, he didn't know. "Holy shit, would ya look at that," Louis muttered. "I thought light angels didn't exist anymore? I always heard they were eliminated in the last feud." Harry stopped pacing and yelling for a second to answer him. "Well, obviously you dimwit we still exist. But I heard the same about dark angels. Perhaps we were told that to stop things like this," he gestured between them. "happening."

Harry continued his pacing while Louis looked on, very obviously amused. I can't believe I had thought he was attractive! This probably skews things to an even more extreme degree! Harry thought frantically. Someone cleared their throat. Louis' head swiveled over to a puppy-like boy with light angel wings himself. "Uh, boys? It's been very entertaining watching all of this, but we really do need to go before this gets any worse. I would say it's been nice to meet you, since you do seem like a very nice lad, but I don't think that would be appropriate given the circumstances. Harry? Oh, good grief." He snapped his fingers in front of Harry's face. "Harry! Stop your worrying, we have enough of that to do when we get back, now is not the time!"

Liam started leading away a still-dazed Harry. "Hey, curly!" Harry turned around slowly, raising an eyebrow at Louis in question. "You forgot this." He sashayed over towards Harry--how could he do it that well?!--and handed him a peacock feather. "What's this for...?" "It fell off your fe--hat." Louis reached up to try and put it back, but couldn't reach quite far enough due to their height difference. He growled in frustration before handing it to him and stomping off. He called out behind him as he walked away, "See ya, curly! Definitely wouldn't wanna be ya!" Harry stared after him--dark angel or not, man did he have a nice bum--before shaking his head clear and trailing behind Liam, twirling the feather between his fingers.



Hola! Sorrys, this is probably pretty short. And I know it's pretty crappy :/ I apologize. I just have to get in the hang of what I'm writing, it will improve!

Now...obviously, Louis and Harry are "angels" in this. But it's also Larry Stylinson. So, Harry is gay in this, and Lou..Well, you'll find out. But, hopefully no one thinks that's weird ? 0_o

I started writing this because of the fan art I'm using as the cover. I saw it posted on one of the Larry pages I like on Facebook, and immediately my brain started writing and I just thought of this idea out of the blue! :) Let me know any ideas you have or anything!

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