Chapter Four ♪

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Hola my turnips! Okay, really quick! There will be some triggering stuff in here, like self harm and stuff. So please, if this is a trigger for you, don't read it, k? ♥ Just tell me and I can send you an edited version or something.

Song on the side is what I was listening to while writing >>>>>>>>>>>>>

It's a great song, I love PTV ♥

Sorry this is short, I could've kept going, but I kind of felt like it should end there.

Also, I don't know a whole lot about the whole coming out to yourself thing. I just wrote what I personally felt like. I seriously doubt it's the same in any way for everyone though, so...yeah. Sorry if that whole part is kind of off. :/ That is kind of a major element in this fic though :S

I think that's all. Hope you enjoy!! :D Oh! & please, vote and comment! I love when you guys do, it makes my day <3 :)



Louis sat down on the toilet, ignoring how disgusting it was in the bathroom. He could still hear the thumping of the music, although it was a bit muffled. He put his head inbetween his legs and tugged his hair. "Why the hell am I such a fuck up!!" He yelled to no one. "God, I wish I could kill myself. I wish it were possible. Fuck, I don't want to be an angel anymore! Why can't I just end everything." A few tears of frustration fell out of his eyes, landing on the floor with a splat. He thought back to the first time this happened.


He had failed his last assignment, he didn't have the heart to go through with it.

His girlfriend had just broken up with him, and then turned their friends against him.

It seemed like everything he tried to do lately just ended in failure.

He ran into the bathroom, plucking a bottle of random pills out of the medicine cabinet and searching for a razor. He intended to kill himself, by overdose or blood loss. Whichever worked first. He chugged half the bottle of pills down as quickly as he could. He grabbed the disposable razor and pushed it harshly into his arm, dragging it sideways. He waited for the blood, but none came. "What the hell...?" There was no mark. He started pulling the razor aimlessly over his arm, trying to get something to happen. His arm was untouched. "What the hell is this!!" He threw down the razor, getting the other one and trying again. Still nothing happened.

Louis collapsed on the floor, sobbing. He was even a failure at trying to end his life. He heard knocking on the door. "Lou? Mate, you okay?" He cried harder. "N-no! D-don't come in!!" Zayn ignored his pleas and walked in. "What...what happened?" "I-I can't even kill myself right, Z-Zayn!" Louis ran to him and cried into his chest, tears soaking his shirt. "Louis! You tried to kill yourself?! What's going on? Angel's can't kill themselves! We aren't even alive exactly!" "I-I'm a failure at everything, that's why!" "You aren't a failure, Lou." Zayn comforted him.


Ever since then, Louis had troubles with stress and anxiety and peculiar situations. They tended to make him do this, curse his existence. Zayn was always there for him, counseling him through it.  

He heard a slamming sound. "Louis?! Louis!!" Zayn called. "I'm in here." Zayn ran towards the stall he heard Louis in and burst inside. "Are you okay, Louis? I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have made you do that, I know how you get!" Louis laughed bitterly. "No, I'm not really okay, Zayn." He gestured to his arm. "Why is it impossible to harm myself! This is fucking bullshit! I need to do something, I--God. I don't even know, Zayn. I just don't know anymore, I..." He sighed. By this time he had jumped up and was pacing back and forth in the small space. Zayn put a hand on his shoulder. "You need to calm down a bit. Look, just sit down, and take a couple deep breaths. I need to get you out of here." Louis did as he instructed. "Louis, sit here. Don't go anywhere. I will be right back, and then we're leaving." Zayn hurried out.


Zayn darted through the club, looking for the curly haired lad. He spotted him at a table, with another light angel, presumably the one Louis had been speaking of.  "Harry!" He looked up. "Hi, Zayn! This is--" "No time for formalities. Sorry. Here's my number and Louis'," He handed him a scrap of paper. "We need to talk about all that's happened. Now, what is your number?" Harry looked a bit taken aback. "What is the rush? Where's Louis?" "That's the problem, I need to get Louis out of here soon and I don't have time to explain it all so can you please hurry the fuck up and give me yours and your friends number!!" He rushed. Harry squeaked. "Oh no. Here, here it is. I wrote Liam's below mine." Zayn snatched it from him and thanked him quickly, before heading straight back to Louis.

"Oh no. Oh no. Oh no." Harry repeated over and over again, thousands of scenarios flashing through his head about what could be wrong with Louis. I shouldn't have kissed him. What if he hates me? What if it messed something up, and now Louis is sick or hurt in some way? Oh God, what if he dies? Harry thought. Liam scanned Harry's face, and could tell what he was thinking. "Harry, stop right there. I don't know exactly what happened, but you told me enough. He will be fine, I'm sure." He wasn't convinced in the slightest, Liam's voice didn't sound reassuring at all, he sounded worried too. If anything it made Harry more nervous. Liam sighed. "Harry, let's go ahead and leave. There's no need for us to stick around here anyway."

He guided Harry through the crowd, and towards the door, before rushing him outside. "Are you alright?" He asked, glancing at him carefully. "I'm fine, yes. I'm just worrying about Louis. I shouldn't have kissed him! I mean, Zayn sort of made me, but it was a stupid move!" "Did you want to?" Harry gave him a puzzled look. "Want to what?" "Did you want to kiss Louis, Harry?" The question shocked him a little, he hadn't thought about it. Sure, Louis was fit, but did he want to kiss him? He thought back to their kiss. Even though it was short, he had enjoyed every single second of it. Louis was probably the best kisser out of everyone he had ever kissed. Harry turned his head to Liam slowly, nodding.

"Yeah. Yeah I did. I still do."

(A/N: Don't worry 'bout it, Hazza. I mean seriously, who the hell DOESN'T want to kiss that gorgeous man?? Heh. Anyways. I apologize for this little blurb xD)

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