Chapter Five ♪

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Sorry. This chapter is kinda sucky. And short. It connects things though, you'll see eventually how what happened in this chapter will play in :)

Picture of what I sort of imagine Clarissa to look like on the side >>>>


Liam and Harry walked up to their flat in silence. Nothing Liam said made Harry worry less. Liam wasn't really sure why Harry cared so much. Sure, it was in his nature to care, but this was a dark angel! They did completely opposite things, they weren't meant to care about each other! He would rather they didn't associate with them at all, really, but they had no choice if they were going to research into the situation more.

He unlocked their door, opening it. The light was already on. Harry looked at him. "Is someone in here?" They could hear music faintly playing. They walked carefully inside, looking all around. The music was coming from the kitchen. They glanced at each other before making their way over and slowly pushing the door open. Their jaws dropped open.

"Clarissa!!" They yelled at the same time. Clarissa, their angel friend who had just recently ascended, was dancing around to Icona Pop in her underwear, while mixing something together in a bowl. She stopped dancing, startled. "Oh, hi!" She giggled sheepishly. "Uh, I was told to come talk to you guys, but you weren't here, so I just kind of made myself at home." Liam raised a brow. "I can tell." "What are you making?" "Brownies! With chocolate chips in them." Clarissa had taught Harry to cook a while back, she could cook and bake well enough to pass for a chef. She caught Harry's expression and laughed heartily. "I think you're drooling there, Haz!" Her face turned serious. "Boys, we really do need to talk. I came here for a reason, not just to goof around and bake. I'll put these in the oven, and then we can talk, okay?" They both nodded, as if they had a choice in the matter, and went to sit down in the lounge.

Clarissa waltzed in, trying to gather her wavy blonde hair into a bun. She sat next to Liam on the loveseat. He blushed slightly. He still had a bit of his school boy crush on her. "Now boys, both of you know I love you very much. We've been best friends forever. That in mind, I have ascended, and I am now responsible for making sure you do what you're supposed to. I will not lie about matters just because it could get you two in trouble. The entire realm of angels depends on every sector, every angel, working as it should. Okay, let's jump right in. There have been substantial amounts of deaths in the past few hours. Not too many, but considering our health records and average death rates it is far too high. Something had to have happened. My assignment is to go around, asking what exactly did happen. Neither one of you would happen to know of anything, would you?" She asked, looking at them sternly.

"I know I shouldn't assume, but given your track record Harry, I figured I should start here." Clarissa added, referring to his dating habits. Most light angels don't date, and if they do, not seriously, as all marriages are arranged. Harry, on the other hand...he completely disregarded those rules and had dated quite a few guys in the past. He raised up his hands in surrender. "I haven't dated in a long time sis, you should be proud."

Clarissa smiled warmly at the nickname. She hadn't heard it in awhile. "I know bro. I'm so so proud of my ickle Harold!" She said teasingly, reaching over to pinch his cheeks. "My name is not Harold!" She chuckled, quite enjoying how easily she could wind him up, before sobering up. "You still haven't answered my question."

Harry paled. "N-no, we haven't done anything. Nothing has happened either! Uhm, my, look at the time, shouldn't you be going? Lots of other people to question!!" She snorted. "You are very obviously lying. You won't look at me." "I'm not lying, we've been completely, utterly, innocent! We've been keeping to ourselves, Liam has been catching up on some...knitting...and I've been--" "Harry, what happened?" She demanded, hands on her hips.

Liam's eyes pleaded for him not to tell. "I have to, Liam!" Clarissa whipped around. "Liam James, don't you dare encourage him to lie. That certainly will not shorten the path to your ascension." Liam swiftly dropped his gaze towards the floor. "Harry," she said in a warning tone. "Tell. Me. Now." "I...Clarissa..." He chickened out. "Harry Edward Styles if you do not tell me now I will exercise the many forms of torture I've just recently been taught." Her voice was murderous.

Not only was it now her responsibility to protect the light angel race and prevent turmoil, she despised it when people kept things from her. "WemighthavepossiblymetadarkangelinthestoreandthenreadtherecordsandthenwenttoaclubandthenIkissedhim" Harry said in one breath. Clarissa stared at him, not blinking. "Care to repeat that, about 10,000 times slower please?" "Liam and I went to the store and met a dark angel. We were curious so we looked at the records and saw that two had met in the past. We saw that a long time ago a light angel had actually converted. We were curious. We went to a random club hoping to see the dark angel again. We saw him. He had a friend with him. Then his friend uh...kind of dared us to kiss? We did. Then something happened. So they left. Then we left." Harry said awkwardly, in short choppy sentences.

Clarissa's eyes had been getting bigger and bigger as Harry explained. "YOU! DID! WHAT!" She screeched, hopping up from her seat. She looked dangerously close to snapping and just punching Harry. "I didn't mean to, okay! I mean...I meant to, yeah, but I didn't think it'd be a big deal! It's just a kiss, and--"

"Just a kiss." She repeated, laughing incredulously. "Just. A. Kiss. Harry, you are a light angel. He was a dark angel. THOSE LINES CANNOT BE CROSSED! You aren't even supposed to meet one! Forget crossing lines, you basically just cut the line with a machete and then put it in a paper shredder. What if something terrible happens! What if--oh no. Oh my. I just thought of something."

"What is it?" They asked in unison. "I really can't tell right now, I need to go over it a bit. I should go. I need to get my skirt out of the dryer and then I'll go." "Clarissa, tell us!" Harry pleaded, right as Liam asked, "Yes, now, why exactly are you not wearing trousers?" "I had a mishap with some milk while mixing the brownies." She said, dashing over to the utility room.

"Boys! I almost forgot, you have another assignment, you'll know where to go. It's just a medical assignment, you have to wake her up from a coma. Now, about that other thing," she walked in, shimmieing into her skirt. "I can't help you with that right now, as you've created another problem I have to look into. Just be safe, continue researching, figure out what's going to happen and what we can do to prevent it. Please, don't do anything stupid, and if you MUST speak with the dark angels, keep it to a minimum and no physical contact of any kind whatsoever." She aimed this last bit at Harry, staring him down intimidatingly.

"I will be working, but if anything comes up you know where to find me. Don't let those twats scare you off at the front door, if they do I'll fire them." She took a deep breath. "Okay, I think that's it. Bye!" She stepped out. "Oh yes, the brownies should be ready now. Don't let them burn!"

Liam slowly pushed the door closed. "Ah, Liam!" She called from down the hall. He poked his head out. "Yes?" She walked over to him. "I'm confident you'll do well," she said, shaking his hand firmly. These might sound like words of praise, but Liam knew she was saying she expected the best, and anything less would be severely frowned upon. He nodded. "See you around, C."

He walked in to find Harry stuffing his face with brownies. "Harry! Leave me some!!" He ran over and grabbed one. "Soy, tif ish su god thock." Harry said, brownie crumbs spewing everywhere. "Don't talk with your mouth full! Are you five?" Liam poured a cup of milk and sat down at the table next to Harry. He swallowed. "I said they're good. So, we've got two assignments now. We should do the hospital one first, since its easy."

Liam smacked him on the back of his head. "Ow!" Harry rubbed his head. "What was that for!" "Knitting?? Really? Out of all of the activities out there, you had to say I was knitting. You have to be the worst liar I know." "We shouldn't be lying to her anyway. Like she said, all this could screw up your ascension." Liam sighed. "I really hope this doesn't mess it up. I've worked so hard." "Well, don't worry! They know how hard you've worked. That's got to count for something." "Thanks. Mm, speaking of worrying, you seem to have cheered up a lot." "Cheered up? What do you mean?"

Harry gasped as he remembered. "Aw, crap!! I need to call Zayn, and see how Louis is doing! I can't believe it slipped my mind. Oh gosh I hope he doesn't think I don't care..!" He got up to get his phone.

"It'd be better if he did think that," Liam said, looking after Harry regretfully, wishing he hadn't reminded him.

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