Chapter Six ♪

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Heh heh. I think I left a bit of a cliffhanger with this chappy.

I love the song on the side, even though it's sad <3 I bet it goes great with this chapter though ;3

Can I just say, that picture of Leeyum on the side is like thE CUTEST FUCKING PICTURE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH!!!!!!!!!! k. I'm good now. I think.

I apologize if this is really jumbled up. I wrote this literally one sentence at a time, over the span of about two weeks. It was frustrating.

I also apologize if I got anything medical wrong. I have only been in a hospital a handful of times, and only visiting someone else, so I'm not exactly an expert. I've never even broken a major bone, just my two big toes, and those just healed back by themselves. Okay, woah, I'm getting way off subject here.

I got the whole ring finger thing from @runtoparadise xD She did that to a whole group of Elounor shippers who were being bitchy when we went to the movie :3

And @NIALLatemynamesorry , if you're reading this, stay strong lovely <3 ♥


"No one answered. On either phone." Harry said with a slight frown, rejoining Liam. "Did you get anything on the medical assignment we have?" "Well, our assignment is in Mullingar, Ireland, in a private hospital there, it's a middle aged female, and she's comatose. That is all I know though, I don't have her name. We'll need that if we're going to get to her room." "Perhaps I'll be the one to be informed, seeing as this is a group project? It's not too far away, shouldn't take long at all." "Mhmm. So we're leaving as soon as we finish eating?" "Yeah, we can't leave right now and leave these fresh brownies behind! I couldn't work knowing I left 'em." "Or, it could be incentive for you to get the assignment over with and not lollygag around so you could get home to your precious brownies." Liam teased. "Yeah, no, I'm not doing that. These brownies are getting eaten now, mister." He said, stuffing another brownie in his mouth. "Sheesh, Clarissa can bake."


They had arrived just as the new day was dawning. Low on sleep and patience,  Liam stood by the door of the hospital staring a hole through Harry's head. Harry was standing a little bit away from him, moving around slightly as he chattered into his mobile. He had been on it for at least 10 minutes, and Liam was getting fed up. "Harry, please hurry up!! We have an assignment!" He huffed. Harry flipped him off with his ring finger. "Harry!!" Liam gasped. Harry chuckled at how appalled Liam was at something fairly innocent. Harry held up his hand "one minute" gesture. He watched as he nodded a few times, said something, and then hung up.

He sauntered over. "Well?" Harry sighed. "I still don't know what the heck happened. Zayn never really answered me, and I guess Louis wasn't able to talk." Harry looked so glum, Liam wanted to cheer him up. He put an arm around his shoulders in a side-ways hug. "Let's go get this assignment over with, yeah?"

They walked  the doors of the hospital. Harry stumbled a bit. "Are you okay?" "Maura. Maura Jenifer Gallagher Horan, that's her name." (A/N: I don't know Maura's middle name, but I saw something on Google that said it's Jenifer, so I just said what the heck and put it.) "We didn't need her full name." "I'm just telling you what I got, okay."

"Hi, can you tell us what room Maura..." "Horan." "Maura Horan is in, please?" The receptionist looked at them suspiciously. "Are you family?" "We're friends. Flew all the way here to come see her. Such a shame, what happened."

Harry tried not to chuckle at the accuracy of that statement. 'Flew all the way here", indeed.

Her defensive expression softened. "I know, I'm so sorry about your friend. I'm glad you're still visiting though, Doctors do say speaking to a comatose patient helps. She's in room 218." "Thank you," Liam said, shaking her hand.

They began walking down the corridor, presumably the right one considering it was the general direction the receptionist had gestured to. "Hey, Liam! Look!" Harry yelled with a grin, dashing over to a wheelchair and hopping in it. "Push meeee!" He said, dragging out the E childishly. "Harry!!" Liam hissed. "Get out of that before someone kicks us out of here!" "They're not going to kick us out, they'll think I'm a patient! C'mon." He settled into the chair more, grabbing a nearby blanket and tucking it over himself. Liam sighed, feeling ridiculous, and began pushing him. "Be looking for the room."

They continued down the corridor, looking side to side for the right room. "This healing business could be a lot easier, y'know," Harry complained. "Easier! For whom! I am the one pushing you around in a wheelchair when you have two perfectly healthy legs to take you places!" "Ah yes, thank you for that. But we should be able to just teleport to where we need to be or something. Instead of having to find it." "At least you say thank you! We have it a lot better than humans, at least. You should be grateful." "I suppose. I just feel like, if we have to be angels, we should be all out, awesome, ass-kicking angels. Not glorified humans that just go around doing good deeds. Humans, at least, don't know what they're missing. They don't know that they could be flying around. I think the old saying 'ignorance is bliss' holds merit. Sorry, I'm rambling. I just don't enjoy being an angel very much at times." "Mm. Hard for me to identify with, I love it. I love knowing we made an impact on someone's life for the better. I think it's a blessing, really, and--hey, there it is. Room 218"


"Mmhmm. No, he's...indisposed right now." Zayn said, still holding a hand over Louis mouth while sitting on him. "MMMMMMMNNNNNNGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" "What noise?" Zayn asked innocently, jabbing Louis in the gut. "Shut up!" He hissed to him. "Nope, I didn't hear anything. Maybe it's the reception cracking up? Oh. Alrighty then. Great. Yeah, 'bye."

He ended the call and took his hand off of Louis' mouth. "What the hell, Zayn! Why didn't you let me talk to him?!" "You just had one of your episodes, I don't think it's wise if you speak to him right now." "I don't really give a fuck what you think is wise! I have to talk to him, and explain what happened, since you obviously didn't." "Oh, and what will you tell him? Because I doubt you're going to tell him the truth. What even caused the episode, Lou?"

Louis snatched the phone out of his hand, darting a few feet away. Zayn sighed. "Don't be so pissy with me, I'm trying to help you here in case you didn't notice." Louis ignored him, punching in the numbers. "Speakerphone!" Zayn chimed. He rolled his eyes and turned it on speakerphone. It rang endlessly before going to the message.

"Shit! Why couldn't you have just handed me the damn phone, Zayn? Why isn't he answering. Oh God. He's probably freaked out by us just leaving suddenly like that. I bet he thinks I'm a complete nutcase." "Louis, what is going on with you?" "What do you mean?" "You aren't acting yourself at all. First, you have an episode, which you haven't had in quite a while. Now, you're in a tizzy just because some random person you barely know won't answer your call. Care to explain?"

"I would explain, but I don't know myself." Louis sighed.


They popped their heads in the room, glancing around. Their assignment was hooked up to all kinds of tubes and ghastly looking machines. Harry shivered. "This looks like a torture chamber." "Too bright and cheery to be one." Liam replied lightly, walking over to her side and taking her hand. "Harry, get your non-existent tush over here and grab her hand!" He lumbered over. "Rookie," Liam mumbled under his breath. "I resent that! I am just as experienced as you! I'm just more...squeamish!" "Focus, now." They closed their eyes, focusing on the patient. Stray, minuscule facts about her floated through their minds, as they concentrated on the power, and healing her. They could feel everything that was wrong slowly alleviating and disappearing. Suddenly the heart monitor stopped it's steady beeping and flat-lined. They stopped the healing process, panicked. "Liam, what-!" "I don't know Harry, I don't know! This has never happened, it always works!" They stepped off to the side as nurses rushed in.

"Oh Lord what did we do," Harry said worriedly.

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