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Why is the world always against me? Tell me that much? I think I have a friend, it fails. I get a boyfriend, it barely lasts a month before they get sick of me. Why does this happen to me? Am I doing something wrong? "They say before you start a war you better know what you're fighting for" Ive been fighting a blind war my entire life and I can't manage to gain ANY ground. I give myself the idea that I'm fighting for my friends only to realize they were faking all along. So sorry if my updates are crap for today. KISSES! 😘😘😋✌️

(Yn) POV

Face down, this is where it leads you, too far my music blares in my ears.

I am sitting on Naru's couch listening to my music at full volume because I can't stand the world. We just got back to Naru's place after the rest of the groups "talk" to me about being careful. So apparently they had cameras set up and we're watching the entire time I did anything and when the girl had given me the look of fear it hadn't been because of anything but my eyes. They slowed the tape for me so I could see my eyes flash a quick shade then return, just as the boy's had when I was trying to get away from him. They immediately became suspicious of me and gave me an annoying talk about being careful and then Naru brought me back to his place and told me to sit on the couch and not move, so I couldn't care less about anything but being mad right now. I tried to tell them it was just the sun because of the tree we were under. Obviously they didn't understand me so I have to sit here like a child and yell at Naru for being a jerk.

"Shut up" he calls to my screaming 'JERK' repeatedly at him

"No" I say before beginning to scream JERK again.

"You're obviously possessed, you haven't been yourself, so SHUT UP" he shouts

I shut up to his shouting and stare blankly at him.

"Remember when I first met you?" He asks

I nod meekly

"I had Ayako perform an exorcism, I think that didn't work and you have been possessed for a while. As in, since I first met you. But it's weird because, you can control it. I don't know what it is, though. I need to know how you can control it and what it is. Tell me what you remember"

"I was in the house, there was a ghost and it reached out to me, with a look of loss and sorrow in its eyes, I truly felt terrible for it" I admit

"Okay" is all he says

He walks away quietly, turning into the other room. I lie down on my back and grab the remote to turn on the TV. When I reach to where the remote should be it isn't there. "NARU" I shout

"NO TV" he shouts back

This is going to be a boring while until they can get me "unpossessed" or whatever it's called.

It is two days later

Ayako is standing over me lying on the couch for the third day now. Naru hasn't let me leave unless it was to go to the bathroom. Even then he stood right outside the door. I can't believe he didn't trust me! I have asked him why he doesn't trust me now when he trusted me for the past two weeks but he always says something dumb like because he didn't know, or that he actually didn't trust me. I am very glad that Ayako plans to get rid of whatever was possessing me for so long today, because that means I can get Naru to trust me and I can maybe even ask him out, if he still like me (which I doubt).

Ayako begins her exorcism at exactly two pm.

It is five pm now and Ayako, John and Monk have performed exorcisms, Mai claims that they worked and I couldn't feel any different from before. I believe I am no longer possessed.

"It worked yay!" I say, jumping up and hugging Naru tightly

"We aren't certain, you will stay here for another day or two until I am certain" he says, prying my arms away from him

"B-but" I start, sinking into the couch, my excitement draining from me

"You will be fine, just stay as you have the most few days and you will be fine" he says, turning and waving the rest into a room out of earshot

I whip out my phone and text like I have been for the past few days. All I had been doing was either texting or watching Hulu/Netflix.

I open an app that allows me to text with strangers and click go

--you are now chatting with a random stranger--

(Yn): hey! What's up? My friend is keeping me on lockdown because he doesn't trust me 😭

Stranger: that sucks, is he your boyfriend?

(Yn): He used to like me but the past week has been crap even though I had planned to ask him out today 😪

Stranger: so you're single?

(Yn): I guess

Stranger: sorry

(Yn): yeah, I've just been using this app to text people when I get super bored, which is always

Stranger: yeah

We text for a little while before I have to go offline because he gets creepy (that always happens) and I go offline.

"You good?" Naru asks me as he reenters the room I am in

"Yeah, can I get up now?" I ask, rolling over on the couch

"I'm not sure whether or not you're possessed" he says

"I'm not" I say

"How are you certain?"

"Do you not trust me?"

"Not right now"

I roll so my face is into the couch and pretend to be asleep so I don't have to deal with anyone. I hear footsteps walking away and I know it is Naru walking away.

I will have to wait another day or two before Naru will trust me but it will be soon enough.

Guess who's back...back again...Axey's back...tell a friend!

I'm bored XD 😋✌️

Okay, I think I need to take a short break, I hope that's not terrible. I'll be back in like a week, okay? I'm just going through some stuff right now so I'm sorry, I might still update but they would be crap, if you want details (doubtful) dm me or something, but yeah, thank you all.

Okay, be totally honest. Should I do a RP book? They seem super fun but I've never done one before. So please comment yes or no and I will consider your votes, thanks guys, I love everyone who stuck with me this far in this book. KISSES!!!! 😘😘😋✌️

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