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I can't believe I wanted to grow up.
She sighs.

I still want to. It might be scary, but it turns out better than you think.

She raises her eyebrows, challenging.
And how would you know?

He smiles wryly.
I usually am right.

She sighs.
I just don't want so much responsibility. It would be so amazing to go somewhere secluded where there would be no responsibility or authority, and nobody cared what you did. Somewhere where I could just be free, and wouldn't have to try. But there's always bills and basic needs, and just...human stuff.
She clenches her fists.
The thought of that makes me feel so trapped because there might be a place in the world that we can escape worldly problems and responsibility, but I think what truly limits us is ourselves. It's irrational, but that's a really scary thought to me. It feels like no matter how much we run, there's no real way to escape from ourselves.

I guess I-

Never thought about it that way?
She raises an eyebrow.


That's what I thought.

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