For You

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She missed him. It had been what felt like years since he'd been gone from her life, but the pain was still new; kind of like a scab with a fresh wound underneath. She swore she could still hear his voice sometimes. She remembered the exact shade of blue that his eyes were and the lilt in his voice when he spoke about something he felt passionately towards. She watched the movies he'd watched and listened to the music he listens to. Listened, she reminded herself. She didn't know what was going on in his life, anymore. She didn't know what he likes. For awhile, her days felt completely empty without him in them. Admittedly, they still do, sometimes. But she figured that this was the way the universe worked. She'd always been one to leave others and never the one to be left. She'd figured she could never have such a strong impact on the life of another person; she simply didn't hold herself in such high regard. Still, you reap what you sow, she told herself. She figured that now, she was just reaping. In the end, blaming herself was always easier.

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