4. The Search For Answers

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Johan was thoroughly stumped.

He didn't know how to approach Thea for an explanation, she looked pretty shaken by the incident at the coffee shop.

He had questions about the file he read, and he also wanted to know who those men were. He was certain the men were American, the way they talked and they way they dressed made it easy to guess.
One of the men had a scar, above his eye which made him look like the villain of a James Bond movie.

Johan heard the bathroom door click and out came Thea. Her confident look, back on her face. She looked at him and said, "We need to talk."

She sat next to him and sighed. Hesitated. And finally, she said, "I know you're probably pondering who those men were and probably have questions about that file too. You have every right to ask these questions, so before you do I'm going to answer them for you. Those men are from the Central Intelligence Agency."

"A few months ago" she continued, "Mr.Kendrick provided me with those files, I don't know how he got his hands on them. Ever since then I have been digging for more information. What's strange is, ever since I got those files, those men have been following me everywhere I went. Recently they cornered me in the library, when I was searching through old news papers for more information and they just asked me to leave."

Johan looked at her and asked, "What's so special about that file anyway? I mean after all it could all just be a hoax right? It's just another one of those many unproved theories."

Thea replied, "The name of the program is MK-ULTRA. It was started in 1953, by the CIA and like it says in the files it was a mind control program. The CIA used people from America and Canada as test subjects. According to the CIA, the program was started to gain a better understanding of the human brain and for interrogation purposes. Later people discovered that the research was actually meant to develop new methods of torture and gain control over power indirectly."

"The American government denied all these accusations and officially ended the program in 1963. Only problem here, is that there is still research going on and there have been mysterious disappearances in Canada and America."

Johan was stunned. He managed to ask her why there was such less information on the program, since they must have kept files and records.

Thea answered, "Well no, the leading officer thought it was better off destroying most of the files. Thinking of it now, that seems like a pretty smart move."

The rest of the day, was rather uneventful Thea and Johan thought it was better to stay in the hotel room, rather than roaming the streets after that confrontation.

They were talking until Thea got a phone call, they looked at each other unsure of what to do.
Thea got up and sighed, when she saw that it was only her father, who had called. He questioned her, why she wouldn't be coming home. He didn't sound too happy to hear that the would be staying in the hotel with Johan.

Johan could see, that Thea was uncomfortable talking to her father, in front of him, so he got up and went to watch television. Thea finished her phone call and went to check on Johan, only to find that he had fallen asleep. Thea thought the jet-lag must have gotten to him.

Thea went and immediately fell asleep on her bed, forgetting her worries for the moment.

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