12. Sleepless Nights

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Thea thought she was losing it, she couldn't control herself. The tears came streaming from her eyes, like they never had before. Sam kept flashing before her every time she tried to fall asleep. She felt stupid for crying over someone she barely knew.

She wondered what Johan must be doing. It was 1 AM and the harder she tried to sleep, the farther sleep slipped away. That's when a crazy thought hit her.

Knock! Knock!
Johan woke up with a start.

He looked at the wall clock and it read 1:10 AM. He wondered what kind of a crazy person would be up at this hour. He cautiously got up and took the lamp lying next to his bed into his hand.

Thea was starting to get impatient and a little less confident with every extra second Johan took to open his door. She was considering going back to her room when she heard a soft click from the door.

Johan stood behind the door bare chested. He held a lamp in his hand and his hair was a mess. Thea couldn't help but laugh as she stumbled into Johan's room.

"Stop looking at me like you're going to kill me, Johan. I couldn't sleep and I was wondering if..." She looked at Johan and trailed off.

"What is it Thea? It's 1 in the morning and here you are standing in front of my door mumbling. If you want you can sleep on the couch in my room if you don't feel safe in yours."

"I'm not scared! I just couldn't sleep, okay? Can we talk?"

Johan gave her a resigned look and pointed to his couch.
"Ten minutes, that's all and no more, after that you gotta get your ass outta here".

Five minutes into their conversation, Johan had already fallen asleep. He looked so peaceful.
Thea didn't know what to do and she had a crazy, stupid urge to sleep next to Johan. She couldn't even explain it to herself, but the next thing she knew, she was lying next to Johan.

Johan didn't seem to mind, or maybe he was too sleepy to care.
Thea didn't care either, it was too comfortable and warm to care.

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