3. A Confrontation

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Thea woke up late, she had a massive headache. Today was an important day for her, she had to determine whether Johan was suited to accompany her, on her hunt for justice.

They both agreed to meet at Johan's hotel room at 9am and head out for coffee. Thea found Johan strangely attractive, he was lanky but she could tell he was well built. Thea also noticed that his eyes weren't of one colour, but seemed to be a burst of many colours. In their brief meeting at a coffee house, Thea figured that Johan was an introvert. Overall, Thea found Johan to be different, he wasn't the average 25 year old man.

Thea was early, Johan had just finished bathing, when he opened the door for her. She couldn't help but notice the scar right above where his towel was hurriedly tied.

Johan noticed Thea staring at his scar and said, "I got that two years ago, when I went to Russia to cover a story. Russians are not the kindest people, especially if your sneaking around their embassies."

Thea couldn't help but laugh at his accent, she thought it complimented his looks.
Later, they went out and Thea showed Johan around town. Thea's father appointed a chauffeur to take them around town. Thea knew, that the only reason her father did this, was to keep an eye on her.

They got out at a small coffee shop and sat in the corner.
Thea wanted to test Johan on different levels. She asked him many question about politics, current events and even about his childhood. She could sense that he was growing uncomfortable, but she had to continue testing him.

Eventually, Johan started to ask her some questions too. Thea was content with Johan's answers and she knew that even though he wasn't the most open person, she could still trust him. She had to make her move, she had to tell Johan why he was here. She took out her laptop and showed Johan the information she had collected.

She watched Johan read through the the information. As he kept reading, his expression went through numerous changes.

First he seemed curious, then he seemed confused and as he reached the end of the page his face twisted in distaste.
Thea was pleased with his reaction. She knew, she found the right person to accompany her on her righteous path.

As Johan slowly lifted his head and looked at Thea with scorn, he also noticed two well dressed men talking to their chauffeur. Thea and Johan ran outside, the chauffeur gave Thea a quizzical look, she knew something was wrong.

The men approached Thea and Johan. They stood so close, Johan could smell their minty breath.

They gave Thea a cold stare and said, "Drop the investigation or we'll drop you somewhere you won't want to be."

Alarmed, Johan shoved the men back and pulled Thea into the car. As they drove off into the busy street, Johan could see the men stare at the car, till they were out of sight. He gave Thea a worried look, and they both went back to the hotel room, where Johan reread the file.

He had questions and they needed answering.


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