11. Setting Off

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Thea stretched her tired legs and glanced towards Johan. He had dozed off, with his headphones still on his head.

Thea reached over to pull them off, when the driver slammed the brakes and she fell face first onto Johan's lap. Johan woke up with a start, blinked his eyes a few times and gave Thea a queer look.

"Umm, what are you doing Thea?"

Thea blushed and scampered off him.

"It's not what it looks like! I swear, I was going to take your headphones off and the car suddenly stopped. Wipe that stupid smirk off your face, you idiot."

Johan laughed out loud and Thea paid him back with a punch to the shoulder.

Johan stretched and yawned, "What time is it? How much longer till we get there?"
The chauffeur replied that it was 5:30pm and they would reach in another two hours.

"Let's stop for something to eat, my stomach is rumbling."

"Shut up Johan. We aren't stopping anywhere, or for anything until we get there. After we get there you can eat whatever you want, for now just stay put."

Johan screwed up his face and started complaining, "But- but, I'm really hungry!"

The only answer he got was the gentle hum of the AC and the song on the radio.

Thea seemed to be lost in thought when Johan asked her, "Do you still think about him? Sam, I mean. I can't get him out of my head, he was going to help us and they killed him."

Thea gave him a blank stare and nodded her head, "Yeah, he's still there in some part of my head. I can't seem to get him out. We're going to have to protect the next person who helps us, better than Sam."
Johan replied with a sheepish nod of his head.

The silence was finally broken, when the chauffeur announced that they had arrived. Johan had fallen asleep again, this time Thea whacked him on his head to wake him up.

"Hey! What was that for?! Stupid woman."

"Shut up and get your bags out, we are at the hotel."

By the time Thea and Johan had settled, into their rooms it was already too late to go out again. They decided to call it a day and went to their respective rooms.

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