A Teto Taste

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   I grab the dress Miku left for me on my bed. I bet she'll chew me out once she sees me.After all, I'm late to the song meeting.

    "Baka, baka, baka!" I rehearse on my way out the door. I can't seem to remember anything else... but oh well! The chorus is way too fun to forget!

   "Teto, you idiot!" There's the sound of the icy mistress. Miku, of course.

  "Hello, Miku!"

  "You're late AGAIN!" She let's out an exasperated sigh."Your excuse this time?"

  "Teen Titans!!!"

  "Why do I put up with you?"

  Tee-hee!"You just can't quit me, right? "

  Miku's pigtails shoot up in shock."No way!! You aren't-"! She hesitates, her face as red as a cherry.

   "Well...since you are late, you'll have to skip out on today's meeting." Miku says sternly.

  What?!"But I've been practicing ever since I got out of bed!"Eight minutes ago.

  She shakes her head."No way are you getting out of this one."

  We'll see."All right.Then I'll just have to eat all by myself. "

  Miku looks away."So be it."

  "Okay! Hey, Rin! Wanna eat with me?"

  Rin, who is busy peeling an orange, looks up at my request. Her eyes gleam with mischief."Totally!" She leaps out of her chair with a huge grin.

  "Right! See ya later, Miku!" One of Rin-chan's favorite things to do is mess with Miku's clothes. Serves her right for being so mean to me!

  As we go to "eat", Miku stands there in confusion. " As if I'd let those slackers fool me!" On our way to"eat", we end up getting our hands in soms mouse traps. Rin stares at me face. 


  "Plegh!Don't askkk!" I'll have to ask Luka to help me remove this from my tongue later on.. 

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