Chapter 1: Melon Soda

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  It'd be easier if everyone else chipped in when it came to taking care of the house. Rin, for example, loves ruining my clothes but never wants to help out with the laundry. Luka's older than me, but she can be a bit irresponsible for her age. Gumi's in and out of the due to her party lifestyle, and when she's actually here, she's passed out or listening to music. If we get even more girls in here.... I gulp at the thought.

  "Never mind that!" I hover over the sink, scrubbing furiously at the grime left on the plate I'm tending to. This is what happens when you let Teto be creative in making meals.

  "Miku, why are you always being such a clean freak?" Speak of the magenta-haired devil! "Come hang out with us."

  "Yeah, Miku." And then there was Rin. The blonde twin opens up the fridge and grabs a green drink. "Come and chillax with your fellow 'loids."

  "I think not. Someone has to do all this work!" I can't even prepare dinner yet with all these dirty dishes!

  "You'll just stress yourself out  with all this work." 

  "Stress? I'd be stressing if I didn't do this." Then I grin. "Why don't you grab a sponge and help me?"

  "I'm out." Rin throws up her hands and backs away.

  "Nope!" Teto holds up her hands, showing me her crimson-painted nails. "Manicure."

  "You see? This is exactly why we can't have nice things!" I feel a rant coming on. "Cleanliness should be a proper way of life! How can we expect to live healthily with such a filth-ridden lifestyle?! Tell me!!"

  "Calm, Miku."

  " I will! Ha!" I throw my sponge into the pool of germs and remove my gloves. "Then all of you can tend to the dishes and I won't help this time around!"


  "Don't wanna hear it!" I cover my ears and open the fridge. I think it's time to relax with a nice can of melon soda, but out of all the drinks in the fridge, mine seems to be the only one missing. "Rin!!!!"

  I slam the door shut and storm into the livingroom in search of the thief. Sure enough, sitting on the couch is the yellow-haired slacker. However, she seems a bit nervous, which is totally unlike her. Whatever. "You still won't be getting away with this, Kagamine!"

  Once I get closer, something else doesn't add up. Why are her bangs so messy? Then again, this is Rin I'm considering. "What do you have to say for yourself this time?!"

  "Uh..." A deeper voice, too? Oh, no.

  "Where'd she go, Len?"

  Len, completely red, points at the window. "I just came from the Male house to deliver our game console, and that's when she jumped me." 

  "So sorry for this!" I run over to the window, which is filthy and smells of oranges. "You've got to be kidding me!"I look around the room. Something else is off, too. This window...

  " Aha! Step away, twintails!"

"What the hell?!" I spin around at that sickly, obsessive voice. "Tei!?"

She clutches Len in her arms. "It's so nice of that other Kagamine to give me such an attractive Len!" One dressed up as Rin?

  "Oh, to hell with this!" I open a flap in the wall and slam a button. "Tei Alert! Tei Alert!"

  "What the-"

  "All this for some melon soda! Forget that!" A trap door opens up beneath the psychopathic stalker, and Sukone falls through.

  "Uh, thanks,"says a shocked Len.

  " Don't worry 'bout it." As I go out into the hallway, Rin herself appears apologetically. 

  "I just wanna apologize-"

  "Don't worry 'bout it." Ugh. What an exhausting evening! It's like this everyday, though. Believe me, if it wasn't Tei, it'd be something else.

  However, I'm not about to let Rin off the hook! Taking my soda.... That soda is for hard-workers only! "Oh, she'll regret it." Time to use nasty green vegetable juice as a decoy for my other melon sodas! "Then she'll totally regret it! They'll all regret it....!"

  "Hey, Miku. What's for dinner?" Teto asks, rubbing her stomach.

  Seriously? Ugh. "Takeout."

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