Chapter 9:Banana Bread

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  Was that really it? I mean, I could tell at the Hanami that he was interested, but was it really true? Could it be true? I'm not sure of how to feel yet, but I feel a bit.... Uneasy. The future never looked so uncertain.

  "You're special to me, that's why."


  I can't understand a thing she's talking about. I can't cover for her all the time, and when she's a jerk to me, I'd at least like to hear an apology or something.

  "I don't want anyone else to have you, Teto. That's why I refuse to let you be bought."

  "Really?" It sure didn't seem that way. 

Miku gets closer, and I take a step back. She tries getting even closer, and so I take even more steps back. "Just because I can't be bought by anyone doesn't mean I belong to you, Miku." It's my life. The life I've been waiting to start living. 

 "You do?" It's too bleak a day to go anywhere and call it a date. 

  "Of course." Len doesn't seem to mind. So long as he gets to spend a day of ANY weather with me, I guess.

  I shrug."Sure, I guess."Let me reiterate that."Yes."I struggle to keep from smiling. Miku won't bother me now.

  "Great!" Len is all smiles, but not in the dumb way Rin does, even though they look pretty similar. Maybe females are just crazy by nature. Who knows?

  "Let's get going."

  "I don't know much about her, really, but if I had to say..." I turn to Len and wink."It's a bit more fun to hang out with you. Don't tell her I said that."

 He laughs, making me laugh, until we're both holding our stomachs. Then he pauses, and I begin to worry."Something wrong."

  "Nope." He begins scratching his head nervously. "I know it's kind of weird, but can I hold your hand?"

  "Uh...." I blush. I look down at the sidewalk."Isn't it a bit too...."

  "Y-you're right! Sorry!"

  "No! It's okay!" I lean in closer. "Since no one else is around, we could just pretend to be those weird touchy feely couples."

  "T-totally! Just pretend!" He reaches for my hand and holds it. Jeez, his hand is wet with sweat. But... It's warm.

 The awkwardness eventually fades as we continue walking together down the street. The sky looks like it'll fall apart with the weight of rain. I'm happy, but the sky fortells something else. Hope no one gets hit by a car.

  "I'm really glad you said yes."

  "Hm?" I look up to see Len looking at the distance.

  "It made me really happy."

  "Uh, me too." I fiddle with my curls. Holding hands, on some puppy love stuff... Might as well seize it while it lasts. I squeeze his hand even tighter. "Really happy."

  "Heh, heh." His little laugh is so cute.....

  In the midst of drooling over him, another couple spot us, stating at us like we're nudists. We immediately release our grip on each other, completely red with embarrassment.

  "Wanna head back?"


  "Ooh, Teto! "

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