Chapter 12: I'm Not Hungry

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  So it would appear that the Hatsune is in a state of depression. It would appear that Teto-sama is the cause of this state. Some events that occurred have caused a gap between them, and as for my own state...

  "Teto-sama!" I cling to the arm of my favorite housemate. Kasane Teto. I grin widely as I catch a glimpse of the Hatsune moping around, clearly upset by my affection towards her interest.

  "Hey!" Teto allows me to cling to her hip as she struggles to get to the refrigerator, her favorite object.

  "I'll follow you and only you anywhere, Teto-sama!"

  "If I date someone, you won't kill them, right?" Teto's question is to be expected.

  But there is nothing to worry about."I am unlike Hatsune Miku!"

  Teto glares at Miku, who shrinks from it. "Yeah, I bet you're not obsessed." I let go when she walks away.

  "Hm?" That isn't quite what I meant when I brought up Hatsune. As if all her confidence were stomped upon, Hatsune slinks away in silence.

 "Can it be that sexual desire is this powerful?" Love or romance, it all has to be based on one thing, no? I simply admire Teto for not being like them; a true female, but Hatsune's motives are different. I'm positive.

  So positive that I walk by her room just to prove it. I quietly open the door to peek inside. Hatsune is busy absentmindedly browsing through pictures of Teto. 

  "What do you want, Rin?" Her voice is stale, nothing like that of the highly praised queen everyone's been calling her. 


  "What?" Hatsune whirls around in her wheeled chair, her face round with shock. She eases up slightly. "What can I do for you?"

  "Teto." I point to her screen. If she scrolled down I'm even more positive that there'd be inappropriate pictures.

  "Oh!" Hatsune quickly exits, only to reveal her Teto home screen. She sighs and gives up, turning back around to talk to me."What do you want again?"

  I exhale before getting right to the point. "Your closeness."

  "What closeness?" She chuckles as if the thought is amusing, but females are easy to read. She's sad even now.

  "I would expect you to dismiss Teto as another female," I continue, then add quite seriously,"One who dotes on females."

  "What?" Hatsune seems ro doubt me, and I repeat myself. "Is that your crappy dense way of saying I'm gay laughs n j m?ething?"

  "I'm sure you understand what I'm saying."

  Hatsune laughs, and I begin to wonder if she's taking me as a joke. "As a Vocaloid you should know that that's not how it works?"

  "Vocaloid?" They say that the other Vocaloids have yet to choose this human life, and that's why they're not all here. I don't feel much differently. What is there to understand?

  "I'm not gay, and this isn't merely lust."

  "What?!" How could she say such things? It's obvious that-

  Hatsune gets up from her seat, walking towards me."I love Teto for who she is, not what she looks like."

  "E-even so, I-"

  "You wouldn't understand."

  I stumble out of the room baffled. Everything went to a whole other direction than the one I had planned! Love... Nonsense, all of it! What could compel one to even contemplate such unnecessary interactions?

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