Chapter 14: Spill It

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Just as the sun begins to sneak its way up from the horizon, its cozy shelter, I sit there away from all the ongoing chatter around me.

Just before the remnants dusk break away, I watch the rising sun with hopeful eyes. If it can rise from the darkness, then so can I. Or if it can give light, which makes much more sense, then so can I, also.

"This isn't making much sense anymore." Completely losing my mojo, I get up and wipe my backside with a kick aimed at the sand. I stretch and let out a sigh, confused as to what I was doing or how I even got here.

But whatever. That scratch has healed, and I'm sure I won't be a zombie forever. Aside from Rin being a complete weirdo, I had a pretty nice day yesterday, although it was filled with unbearable depression, I'm still managing. After all, us loids don't experience the human emotion thing as well as the beings that originated it, or drink it.

I need some damn sleep. I'll just go back to bed and wait for Rin to drag me out. Or wait for the Osakan Loli Apple to annoy me until I throw a pillow at her. Sounds good.

But nothing. Now a single thing to stop me from sleeping the day away. No annoying accents, no annoying (flatty) female Kagamine, nothing.

Slipping out from my covers, my head hesitantly leaving the warm comfort of a "sexy" Teto behind, I get dressed. I rub my eyes, even though I've been frequently waking up just to see if someone would get me.

Donning jean shorts and a black bikini top hidden, yet completely visible, under a white T-shirt, I head out. As soon as I step out of the room I've been residing in for the night, day shatters my rest.

Yuki bouncing around in the ocean's water, tossing it around to hit Luka and Meiko. Luka is having a blast, her purple swimsuit hugging her curves(this is a swimming chapter so yeah there's fan service), and Meiko looks a bit too drunk to be in the water.

Rin and Gumi are relaxing on the beach, the two of them using ice cream to occupy their hands and mouths. Gumi's wearing her 16-bit warz shades, looking as if she'll turn into the Terminator any moment and blast the beach away.

"Miku!" Rin spots me, lifting her more docile-looking sunglasses to get a better look at me. I, however, am more drawn to another sight in the water.

Happily splashing along with Len is Teto, her crimson sarong lightly soaked in the water. She doesn't seem to be lamenting like I have these couple weeks.

"Miku!" Rin calls my name again, although this time her arguably higher voice is right in my ear, and her body (and flat chest) slam into me.


"I made a vow yesterday, and so I'm here to stick by that vow!"

Again, the girl makes no sense."What?"

"I'm going to help you get back with your smookums, and you're gonna do it Rin Style!" Rin makes a strange pose after she releases me, and having nothing else interesting to look at anymore I just stand there staring at her.

After two minutes of having to watch her unbearable poses, I speak up, this time with the attempt to sound more interested. "And how will you do that, Rin?"

"Something tells me that the way to a maiden's heart is through a baby, and the only doll here is none other than the Osakan Apple!"

"Did you give all of us nicknames?" Osakan Apple...

"Not me, but all of us," Rin replies, her gaze shifting to somewhere else.

"Weren't you about to 'help' me?" I dryly ask, but she doesn't reply.

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