Chapter 5: Sakura Mochi

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  It's time. I've already decided what time it is. I can't stay like this any longer. Not for Meiko, or Luka and Gumi, nor for Teto and Rin. 

  We're planning on hosting a party. Before that party, it's time for a change. A big change.

  I look at the blue-haired girl in the mirror. I'll be cutting away the instability, hacking and slashing the temper. The hell with the past. All I can do is look ahead. At what's in front of me. I'll never advance as a person if I don't take initiative now!

  I lift a pigtail, my heart pounding inside my chest. Teto forgave me, but I have yet to forgive myself. I'll take full responsibility this time! I'll apologize to all the other girls and stop sitting around like an empty doll.

  I'll cut all of that right now. "Out with the past, and in with the future!" No...that's the wrong saying. I'm supposed to say something really cool, but I guess that's all I've got. I'm no comedian.

  "Anyway...." Teto. I'll get to you soon. I'll confess soon. Even if all is unrequited,I've got a chance because of you! A chance to renew myself. "A chance.... To be a kind person!"

   I spin the scissors in my hand. I bring it up to my right twintail and clench. Now for the left. Hair begins to fall at my side and some into the sink."Oh, no. I should have considered that. Now I'll have to clean up...." 

  I sigh and look up at the mirror. I did it. I really did it. I made the change. I look...."I look awful! This really isn't a professional cut! Ohmigod!!!!!!!!!!!!" I'll come around to it. With some clips and bows and stuff. Still.... I'm really happy.

  I walk out of my bathroom, tugging at my hair. There's a cold breeze on the back of my neck, and more so at the sides of my head. Is this what Rin goes through every day?

  "That rat! She's going to get an earful from me!" I can hear Meiko in the living room. "I'll cut off those precious pigtails of hers! That'll show her!" 

  As I walk into the room, Meiko sees me. Her mouth drops open in shock, then her expression alters into a mischievous gleam."Gumi! Nice work!"

 Gumi stares at me."I didn't-"

  "Miku! What did you do?!" Luka feels the air around my head, as if my pigtails were just invisible. 

  "They're in my bathroom sink if you need evidence."

  "Miku!" Teto runs up to me, her eyes wide with shock." You cut your hair!?"


  Rin scoffs."What's the big deal? Short hair is pretty cool."

  I smile."Thanks, Rin. "

  "Hmph!" Rin defiantly turns her head to the side. "It's only cool on Kagamines! You look like a nerd."

  "Thanks....." I can tell now that Rin isn't mad at me. 

  "Your hair...." Luka bawls. Luka seems to be too wrapped up in grief over someone else's hair being cut, so I take it she isn't mad anymore, either.

  "Finally, another girl in here with short hair!" Gumi sighs.

  "Teto?" How does Teto feel about it?

  Teto looks up at me with a grin. "It's cute this way." 

 I blush. "Really?"

  "Yep! Guess what else is cute?" My eyes? My face? My cup size?

  "We'll be seeing the guys at the Hanami!"


  "The sakura tree is in full bloom, right?" Rin asks.

  "Yeah. I hear the newbies are gonna be there." 

  "Oh, yeah. Anon and Kanon, too?"

  Meiko chuckles."Nope. They hate us."

  "What?!" But they were so happy when they were here! "What went wrong?"

  Gumi blinks."They just didn't want to stay. Mayu and IA are coming, though."


  Meiko nudges Teto."There are some new guys, too."

  "Len's kinda cute."

  "Does this mean you think I'm cute, too?" Rin jokes.

  "Never mind." Teto sighs. Thank god for that!

  "So who are the new guys?" Not that I really care.

  " Before there was Kaito, Len, Gakupo, and Piko, and now they're adding Kiyoteru and Oliver. "

  Meiko groans."Too many shotas! Maybe some of the men will be fun."

  This whole topic is beyond me. "Shouldn't we be preparing some food for the party?"

  Teto nods."What'll it be? "

  Rin unexpectedly takes over. She went from slacker to responsible real quick. "My apologies, Miku, but I'll be handling this today."

  "An apology?"

  Luka nods."It's time for us to be responsible, too." 

  "You guys...."

  Meiko pulls me into a sideways hug."Don't get all sappy on us! It's not like I was really angry at you, kid!"

  "Thanks, Meiko." I look over at Rin, who puts on my apron. "So what'll it be?"

  Rin spins around, her arms full of various ingredients. She winks." Don't you know? It's sakura mochi!"

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