John Bender

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 Y/N P.O.V

Hey I'm Y/n Vernon, yes you herd right I'm the daughter of THE Mr.Vernon. I know I'm supposed to be the good girl everyone hates because I can get away with anything, but you think wrong the only thing my dad is, is very overprotective but I'm not some goodie two shoes and I can't get away with anything for a mater of fact I'm going to detention right now, but there's adown side.....I'm late. I'm walking a little fast to the library looking down, until I walk into a wall but wait walls don't have feet, legs, a waist and a dreamy dreamy face and.........wait a minuet this is Bender, John Bender,, my dad always tells me he's in detention every Saturday and that I should stay clear of him but he never told me that Bender was so you know he was so HOT.

My thoughts wear interrupted by him "hey watch wear your going" he snarls at me "I'm sorry Bender" I reply "so is goodie tows shoes hear going to detention" he asks, all I do is nod "damn I'm gonna have fun today" and then he growls like I dog, all I do is walk to the library without looking back.

I walk in and see four people already sitting down I know one of them as Alison because she's one of my only friends and I'm one of hers, also the other girl is Clair she's not my friend I know her because she's one of the popular girls. I walk down to an empty table and wait for my dad to walk in and give his famous speech, that I bet Bender knows by heart and I can imagine the way he says it moving those oh so kissable lips and his wavy hair and.........WAIT what are you saying Y/N you can't be falling for him he would never go for the principals daughter but I can't stop thinking of him he's so dreamy and bad and just oh my god. I bite my lip thinking of him until I hear the chair move beside me, I look to me side and see Bender smirking at me "you thinking of me baby" he asks smirking at me, I feel myself blush but I didn't want him to see me so I turned around. I feel his hand move the hair away from my neck and I'm about to look at him until I see the door swing open and I jump, but of cores I fall into Bender, I look up at him and he still has that smirk on his face.

My dad stands in front of us "Mr. bender get your hands off my daughter this second" he sternly says "I'm sorry dick but she's all over me, ya your daughter getting taken by me imagine that" he says smirking "Y/N GET UP NOW AND STAY AWAYFROM HIM" he yells at me, so I get up in a flash and sit on the table in front of him hoping to god he doesn't do anything else.

                                                                              . . .

A couple of hours later wear all becoming kind of friends and Bender was sent to the closet, he snuck in we all did some stuff and he snuck back into the closet. I'm sitting at a table beside Brian thinking of Bender, then I think of something that would probably get me grounded for life. I get up and everyone looks at me "wear you going" Clair asks "I need to see someone" I say running to the stairs and climbing to the ceiling, I get into the ceiling and start to crawl to the closet.

I get to the vent of the closet and look into it and see Bender playing with a cigarette, I open the vent and crawl out, when I get to the ground I look at him and see his smirking AGAIN "what are you smirking at" I ask confused  "the view I got when you wear  climbing out" after that I playfully punch him "so why are you hear" he asks "I couldn't stop thinking of you baby" I say biting my lip stepping closer to him "really couldn't stop thinking of me" and he steps even closer so are noses are almost touching "what if your dad walks in and sees us" he asks "you've had a bad influence on  me if he walks in I don't care" I smirk at him this time. 

He leans in, I do the same  and in a second I feel his lips on mine and without hesitation I  kiss back, he snakes his arms around my waist and I snake mine around his neck and we start to make out in that closet. It's getting pretty heated until the door swings open, we brake apart and look and see my dad standing there looking like he's going to explode "I was just going to say you can walk home now and I come in and see THIS. You making out with my daughter, and You making out with this jail headed bum" he says looking at both of us "he's not a bum dad he's sweet" I reply "no he's not, this will be the only time you will ever do this" he replies, he's about to take my hand but Bender stops him "I would really like you to not touch my girlfriend like that" Bender says taking my hand in his and walking out of the school.  

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