Sodapop (outsiders)

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I was woken up by my annoying brother Dally. Yes yes I know I'm the sister of the Dallas Winston but that's besides the point we have to get back to the story. As I was saying I was roundly woken up by my brother opening the curtains in my room letting the sun in. I groan in a response to the sun " come on sis wake up" he says "no" I simply say back "come on today's the day you get to meet the gang" and with that I shoot out of my bed. I get out and shoo my brother out of my room so I can get dressed.
I finish getting ready in about a half an hour and walk down stairs " finally your done.......oh you look nice getting all pretty for the gang I see" he says smiling at me "oh shut up Dally and start walking before I cripple ya" I yell at him. After a couple of minutes we come up to the Curtis house hold. Dally knocks on the front door and a man opens the door, he's wearing a sleeveless black T-shirt "hey Dally come in" the man says smiling "thanks Darry" my brother says as he takes me by the wrist and pulls me into the house.

When I get there I see a bunch of boys sitting around a TV watching Mickey Mouse "hey fellas I wanted you guys to meet my sister Y/N" he yells out. All the boys turn there heads to me "well Y/N there's Ponyboy, Johnny, Two-Bit, Steve, Darry and Sodapop" Dally is pointing at all the boys as he says there names but when he hits Sodapop I feel my cheeks get red. I quickly look down before he can see and when I do I hear him chuckle a little.

We are all sitting around the TV watching a movie when I feel Soda's arm rap around my waist and my cheeks get red again and I look down, but this time I feel Sodas other hand slowly lift my head up by my chin so we are looking at each other in the eyes. Before anything can happen though I hear my brother speak "Hey Sodapop get your hands off my sister" he says as he glares at Soda and in a second Soda took his arm off me and if I had to admit it I felt kind of sad about it.
Then I came up with an idea "het Sodapop can you show me where the cups are in the kitchen so I can get something to drink please" I asked with an innocent voice. All he does is nod and walk to the kitchen. I fallow behind him smiling to myself about my plan. When we get into the kitchen Sodapop just opens one of the cabinets and shows me the cups but in reality I wanted one thing and that wasn't a drink. When Soda turns around the first thing I do is kiss him and he kisses back in seconds. I rap my arms around his neck and he does the same but with my waist. The kiss gets more heated but before it goes any further I hear someone clear there thought. When we pull apart we see Two-bit standing there smiling his stupid smile "well well well what do we have here little Winston getting some Curtis love" he says smirking at us "Two-Bit you wouldn't" Soda says sternly but Tow-Bit being himself he smirk "oh Sodapop I would" for a couple of minutes we just stare each other off but then it happens "DALLY YOUR LOTTLE SISTER IS GETTIN SOME CURTIS LOVE OVER HERE" Two-Bit yells at the top of his lungs and without missing a beat I hear my brothers foot steps running into the kitchen and he stops right where Two-Bit is "Y/N what did Two-Bit just say" he asks sternly "Soda and I kind of kissed" I say looking down "kind of kissed or did you kiss him" he asks again sternly "We kissed"  I respond. Dally's face gets red but not with embracement but with anger, he's about to dive at Soda but Two-Bit holds him back "dally come on calm down Its not like I'm running off with him or anything" I say. Dally finally calms down "fine but if you hurt my sister I'll kill ya" he says as he walks off.

I turn to sodapop and kiss him

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