Johnny Cade

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I'm walking through the halls of my school to my locker, I fell eyes on me, I turn around and see a Greaser boy looking at me. I flash him a smile and wave at him, he looks down and waves back. I didn't get to look at his face but from what I saw he was cute. I get to my locker and start to change my books for next period, all of a sudden Chary runs up to me "yeeeeeeeee guest what guest what" she says almost jumping off the wall "what" I respond "BOB ASKED ME TO THE DANCE" she shrieks "that's amazing Chary" I say smiling a little "don't looks so down maybe Randy will ask you" she says raising her eyebrows, all I do is nod. She really wants me and Randy to be a thing but in all truth I really dislike Bob and Randy there really mean to the greasers     

I get my books and start walking to my class again I see that greaser boy staring at me, when he catches me catching him staring, he looks down very fast . All I do is giggle at him and blow him a kiss, he blushes a little and goes back to his work.

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I'm walking to the Curtis house after school ended, for some reason Pony didn't wait for me at the doors like he always does. I get to the front door and walk in, I see everyone watching Tv and smiling, well everyone except for Pony "hey Pony what's wrong" I ask confused "you Johnny your what's wrong" he raises his voice at me, everyone looked at us and Two-Bit turned off the TV "what do you mean Pony" I still asked confused "really Johnny a Soc out of all the greaser girls in the whole school you pic to crush on a Soc and no just any Soc Y/N the sister of Bob" he yells at me. Everyone is staring at me wide eyed "she's not like Bob Pony and you know that.....she's not like other Socs" I tell him "OH AND HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT YOU'VENEVER TALKED TO HER" he yells at me "YOU CAN'T YELL AT ME PONYBOY BECAUSE FOR A MONTH YOU HAD A CRUSH ON CHARY BUT THEN SHE TURNED YOU DOWN FOR BOB, THATS WHY YOU HATE Y/N" I scream back at him.

We look at each other in the eyes not braking eye contacted once "I think I really like her Pony please don't be mad at me" I say braking the silence "I'm not mad Johnny I'm sorry for braking back there I just don't want you to get hurt that's all man" I just nod and we all continue to watch TV. after a couple of hours Pony turns to me "so you wanna ask her to the dance" he asks me "ya I do but like you said she's a Soc, she wont say yes" I say upset "hey you never know, try it tomorrow because I over heard that Randy wants to ask her" he responds "okay I'll ask her tomorrow"

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It's the end of the school day and I'm at my locker putting my my books away and Chary is bragging about her dress. All of a sudden I fell a tap on my arm, I turn around and see the cute greaser standing there "hi" I say to him "hi I'm Johnny" he replies "Y/N" I say back "can I ask you something: Johnny asks "ya sure" "would you maybe like to you know go to the dance with me" she asks really nervously "I would love to go to the dance with you, I think your real cute Johnny" I say smiling at him and he smiles back.

Chary leaves, Johnny and I start walking out of the school, when we walk out I see a group of boys waiting for Johnny "hey Johnny who are those boys" I ask him "oh that's my gang come and meet them" he pulls me to his gang. When I get there all the boys are staring at me, Johnny introduces all of them to me and I really like them all. Johnny and the boys invite me to hang with them I sat yes obviously and we start walking.

Everything Is going fine until a blue Mustang pulls up, Bob and Randy get out, Randy comes up to me and looks me in the eyes, the other boys have there hands on there pockets getting ready to pull out there blades "what do you want Randy" I ask him "I want to take you to the dance" I look at Johnny and he looks really upset "sorry Randy but I'm taken" I say to him "by who" he asks getting angry "a greaser" I answer him as angry "you would rather go with a dirty greaser then me" he says "I would rather go with a brick then you" I reply and with out hesitation he slaps me across the face and I fall to the ground holding the side of my face.

Randy looks at me in shock, he runs to his car and bob fallows him and they speed off. Johnny runs up to me to see if I'm okay "I'm fine Johnny" I reply, he helps me up. I look at all the boys and there smiling at me, the boy named Two-Bit  walks up to me "that was amazing" he says patting my back, all I do is laugh a bit "I have a question for you this time Johnny" he hums in response "teach me how to be a greaser" I say, they all look at me and smile "well doll first you need one of these" Dallas says handing me a blade. We all walk to Pony's house, I have a feeling this will be that best dance ever.


A/N Sorry this is so short                    

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