Ralph Macchio (during the outsiders)

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Right now I'm putting my apron on and getting ready for my shift at the diner. I've been working at the place since I was 14, I know it's young but I needed money, so I've been working hear for two years. I'm 16 right now and I still love this job, I get to meet so many new people and make some new friends to.

Everyone who works hear is real nice, yes there all boys but there all sweet, one of the boys who works hear is named Jack he's 18 and he's like my older brother, he's really overprotective over me. the only down side about him is he treats me like I'm 5. Well lets get back to what I was dong, I walk to the counter and wait for some costumers to walk in.

All of a sudden a group of boys walks into the diner, and let me tell you this there all really cute. I look to me side and see Jake walking up to there table but I run in front of him and tell him that I got this table. I walk up to the table and look at all of them, one boy catches my eye he looks the same age as me and he has brown hair, his skins nice and tanned, he's wearing a lather jacket and some jeans, he looks amazing.

I cut myself out of my thought and get back into the real world "can I take your order" I say to them trying not to smile like, they all order one by one except for the real cute one "what do you recommend doll" he asks smirking at me "well I think the burgers in the joint are the best around" I reply smiling at him "then I'll have that" he replies winking at me. I giggle a little and run off, I feel my cheeks heat up, I must really like this boy cause no boy could make me giggle and blush I'm a tuff girl.

I get to the kitchen and tell them everything the boys ordered, as I'm waiting I fell a hand on my shoulder, I turn around and see Jack standing there glairing at all those boys "why you blushing Y/N" he asks me "mo reason jack just happy I guest" I reply "your to young to be talking to boys and letting them flirt with you" "jack I'm 16 if I wanna let a boy flirt with me then I'll let him and what if I do think he's dreamy what's the matter with that" I ask him "I know those boys there all movie actors and you know that type he can hurt you he has all these girls falling all over him, and if you get hurt and I could of stopped it I would never forgive myself Y/N" he answers my question "but you have to know I'm 16 I'll make mistakes and you don't have to protect me from all of them, you need to know if I get hurt it's not your fault but you will be the first person I go to for help" I reassure him, all he does is nod.

the bell saying that the food is done rings, I pic up every single plate, that's right I picked up six plates don't ask me how I did it I just did. I walk up to the table and set every plat down "your good at this aren't you" the cute one asks "ya I'm pretty good.....so um what's your name" I ask nervously "Ralph, Ralph Maccio......and you" he asks sticking his hand out for me to shake "Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N" I reply shaking his hand "do I make you nervous" he asks smirking "no...yes....maybe...um" I don't even finish my sentence I just look down "it's okay I think you cute" I look up after he says that and blush "I.....I...Um...have to go" I say and run to the kitchen.  

I ram into Jack and fall onto the floor. Jack puts out his hand to help me up "what's wrong" he asks me concerned "he called me cute" I reply "who called you cute" he asks "Ralph called me cute" I say half worried half ecstatic "whos' Ralph" he asks another question "him" I reply pointing at the dreamy boy with the lather jacket "so what are you going to do" he says "I don't know what should I do" I ask him "give him your number and see what happens" I nod and look at the table and see that there almost done, so I get an idea.

I get a napkin and a pen and start to write

Hey Ralph I think your real cute you should call me sometime and we could do something together ;-)  <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

I look at the table with all the boys and there asking for the check, I get the check, fold the note and attach it to the check. I walked to the table with all the boys "how was everything today" you ask a little more confidant "it was fantastic now that your hear" ralph replies smirking. I hand ralph the check and walk away. After a while the boys get up and walk away, then I feel my phone buzz I pick it up and hear a sweet voice on the other side "I'd love to go out with you" I smile and continue to work. 


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