03 (the shit tag!!)

98 2 17

rules for this tag

1. you have to post the rules
2. tag thirteen people
3. the people that have been tagged have to list thirteen facts about themselves
4. answer all of the questions that the person who tagged you asked
5. list thirteen questions that you want the people you tagged to answer
6. you cannot refuse
7. it has to be published in the next week or you will be punished
8. create a unique title
9. has to be published in one of your books
leah's complaints :
10. ok there are only 9 rules but
11. there's 13 of everything else
12. and it's bothering me
13. (:

exaggerations questions :

1. ok i'm selfish the first question is about me describe me in a sentence or a word how great am i
                         you're a sloth

2. do you support bernie if you don't pls let me know so i can drop you immediately
                i support your sex buddy jeb (;

3.  what scares you okay tell me your darkest fears go im listening

                    your face scares me

4. where's the best place you've traveled to in your opinion

                           Los Angeles

5. do you have a dog and if so are you willing to share

                    yes i have 3 and no (-:

6. fuck marry kill: paula deen, guy fieri, and bobby flay

          fuck paula, marry bobby, kill guy

7. luv me pls

          i love someone else sorry /:

8. wya bro

      in San Francisco

9. qué es tu color favorita

      (you suck at spanish js) and gray

10. whats the last movie you watched


11. current mood


12.  whats the last time you copied and pasted on ur phone

         something i was sending to allie

13.  how do you feel about sloths

              they're horrible (:

13 facts about me:

1. im half canadian and half mexican
2. i like the color gray
3. i live in sf
4. i was born on July 30th
5. i pretty much talk to 2 people on here
6. im in a varsity football team
7. allie sucks my dick
8. i think veggie pizza is repulsive
9. im stubborn
10. i can be stereotypical
11. im a very jealous person when it comes
to relationships
12. this is my favorite #
13. i love meat

questions for the people i tag:

1. whats your favorite color
2. do you love me
3. do you like barbecue
4. whats your nationality
5. have you visited sf and if so when
6. whens your birthday
7. what do you do, when you have nothing going on
8. kendall or kylie jenner
9. who's the person you last texted
10. wyd
11. who's your celebrity crush
12. will you go to canada with me
13. is 12 your favorite number

people i tag : savyways itsjustdan -arcticz
introburp paladinjack eddieblaen -kingbeezy coronaa- duhvina exaggerations troned xxelxo troned

I don't even know some of these people, but do it anyway i guess !!

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