Chapter 19

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Cloverpaw stood panting beside Swiftpaw, heart racing. Her wounds burned like fire, and her legs trembled in exhaustion. She watched Goosewing's grey tabby tail disappear into the barrier as he fled, yowling, back to his own territory. Triumph and sadness both flared up inside Cloverpaw. She knew that at least one Shadowclan cat was dead, and she had seen a few others being carried away, unconscious and limp, their eyes glazed. She turned around when someone yowled. "Squirrelflight!" Bramblestar sprinted to a limp dark ginger shape, blood streaming out of the deputy's body. Cloverpaw exchanged a horrified glance with Swiftpaw before they hurried towards the she-cat. "Squirrelflight?" Bramblestar croaked, crouching and crawling towards his mate before pushing his nose into his fur. She felt fur brush against hers and looked around to see Fernpaw pressing up to her, her green eyes gazing sadly at their fallen deputy. Then hope sparked in Cloverpaw's chest. Squirrelflight's emerald green eyes flickered open, although they were glazed with pain. "My dear, Bramblestar." She whispered, gazing up at her mate. "I'm here, Squirrelflight." He mewed, his voice cracking as he pressed himself up to her body. "Please don't leave me." He whispered. Squirrelflight sighed. "I'm so, so sorry, but this is my destiny, and I cannot change it." She had to force every word out with effort. "It's been a good life, Bramblestar. And I know that Thunderclan will be safe in your and Icefeather's paws, as she will be your next deputy."-Icefeather's icy blue eyes widened and she took in a gasp when Squirrelflight mentioned her name.-"I've traveled far, taken part in many journeys, and I've explored many places, and now I will explore Starclan's hunting grounds." She lifted her head with a massive effort and gave Bramblestar a lick on the cheek before flopping down again. Squirrelflight's eyes widened when she stared at something invisible behind Bramblestar, and Cloverpaw let out a low mew of surprise and confusion when she felt multiple pelts brush against hers. "Leafpool, Hollyleaf and my parents are here to lead me on my final journey, and that will be my path to Starclan." She whispered before her gaze ran to Bramblestar's amber eyes again. Their eyes locked together. "Goodbye, my love." She whispered before her eyes closed again, never again to burn with the emerald green fire that commanded respect from all the clans. She had been a strong deputy, and had always watched over her clan with fierce pride, and she never gave up. But now she would watch over the lake, racing through the sky with her warrior ancestors. Bramblestar let out a wail of greef, and then, all at once, the clearing seemed empty again. A light drizzle had started to fall. Fernpaw nudged her. "Come on, let's get seen to our wounds." She murmured and nodded to Jayfeather who was tending to Fernsong and Poppyfrost's wounds. Cloverpaw felt battered and bruised all over, and her body felt sore and every limp ached with effort as she stumbled toward her blind medicine cat.

Cloverpaw's heart sank with sadness as she circled herself before flopping into her nest and curling up, tucking her nose under her paws. The sun was rising over the treetops, and the scent of blood and fear still hung heavily in the air. All the other apprenties were fast asleep except Fernpaw. Her emerald green eyes stared, unblinking, at the wall of the den from where she was curled up in her own mossy nest. Cloverpaw tried to slow her breathing, but she still couldn't take her mind of the battle. Bramblestar was keeping vigil with Lionblaze and a few other cats, crouched around Squirrelflight. The Thunderclan leader had yet to appoint the new deputy, but every cat knew who was to be the next deputy. Icefeather was keeping watch with Leafheart and Ambermoon, but they bore the least deepest wounds. Cloverpaw's light brown tabby and white pelt was slick with chewed up herbs and poultices, and she felt uncomfortable, yet Jayfeather and Alderleaf's herbs soothed her wounds. Cloverpaw tried to block out Sparktail's yowls of pain. She was kitting to Dewnose's kits right now. Sighing, Cloverpaw closed her yellow eyes, and sleep washed over her like a giant, black wave.

Cloverpaw woke up by someone prodding her gently in the ribs, and a sweet scent filled her nostrils, and memories from when she lived in the nursery with her mother and her littermates. Her eyes flickered open, and she saw Ivypool standing over her. "What is it?" The apprentice mumbled, closing her eyes again. Ivypool crouched beside her and gave her a soothing lick between the ears. "You've been sleeping for ages. The moon is already rising." She mewed, her voice as soft as silk. Cloverpaw opened one eye and stared at her mother. Had she been asleep for that long? Her gaze ran over Ivypool's well mucled body, and saw scars crisscrossed all over it. Her sliced ears were pricked as she gazed down at her daughter. Cloverpaw sighed and hauled herself to her paws. She gave an enormous yawn and her belly yowled in hunger. "Your siblings are out hunting with their mentors, you should go and find Sorrelstripe." Ivypool mewed over her shoulder as she padded out of the den. Cloverpaw's body ached and she still felt exhausted. She gazed around the den. Only Willowpaw was in the den, sleeping, her pale cream flank gently rising and falling. Her pelt stuck out in clumps with crimson liquid, and the den stank of blood. Swiftpaw's nest was still warm, so he had been there not long ago. Fernpaw's nest was cold so she probably hadn't been here since sunhigh. Pigeonpaw and Timberpaw's scents were stale, and Oakpaw's nest was red with his blood. Cloverpaw rose to her paws and shook scraps of moss out of her fur before slowly padding out of the den. Brackenfur, Graystripe, Cloudtail and Brightheart were carrying Squirrelflight's body out of camp just as Cloverpaw emerged into the clearing. Bramblestar gazed after them, sitting on the highledge, chin high, yet his bulky body trembled and his eyes were clouded with sadness. Pigeonpaw and Swiftpaw were devouring a squirrel while Stormcloud and Cherryfall were sorting through the fresh-kill pile. Dovewing, Rainsong and Lionblaze were patching up the barrier, filling in gaps were the Shadowclan cats had broken through. A shudder ran through the light brown tabby and white apprentice at the thought of the battle that had happened here in the camp. The ground underpaw felt wet and spongy after todat's rain. But it had stopped now, and the moon sailed in the sky, free from clouds. Mousewhisker and Lilyheart were murmuring something to each other, heads close together. Ivypool and Dappledwillow were helping Rosepetal, Hazelkit, Icekit, Foxkit and Cinderheart building up the nursery again while Toadkit was watching Redkit, Spiderkit and Silverkit running around in circles with excited squeals, pretending to be Shadowclan warriors. Cloverpaw watched as Redkit bowled Spiderkit over, and the little, long limbed black tom let out a squeal and stumbled and fell. Silverkit let out an angry yowl and raced into Redkit, sending him flying. Leaving the three kits to it, Cloverpaw padded to where Rainsong, Molewhisker, Frogleap and Snowbush were gazing up at the highledge where Bramblestar sat, head bowed, ears flat to the back of his head. "Bramblestar will have to appoint a new deputy soon." Molewhisker murmured and the tip of her tail twitched anxiously. Snowbush and Rainsong murmured something in agreement. Cloverpaw then remembered Sparktail. She had been kitting by the time Cloverpaw fell asleep. Passing Snowbush and the others, Cloverpaw leaped up the tumble of rocks. She slipped awkwardly past Bramblestar, but he didn't stagger. "May I come in?" She called in a whisper. "Welcome, Cloverpaw." Daisy's voice answered and Cloverpaw padded inside. Sparktail was huddled around four small shapes, with Dewnose curled up around her, snoring softly. Daisy sat beside two shapes, one of them plastered with herb poultices and cobwebs. "How is he?" Cloverpaw asked, nodding to Badgerkit. She knew that he had joined the battle without permission. Daisy sighed worriedly. "Better, but I'm afraid Bramblestar will have to make my kits wait for a while longer before they can become apprentices." She murmured, bending to give Smokekit a lick between the ears. Cloverpaw nodded and then turned around to Sparktail. The queen's eyes were open, her gaze resting on the apprentice. "Sorry, Sparktail, I didn't mean to wake you." Cloverpaw chirped awkwardly. Sparktail flicked her tail. "Don't worry, young one. You didn't wake me." She murmured, raising her head and looking down at her kits with fierce love and pride. "They're beautiful, Sparktail." Cloverpaw mewed, touching the queen's ear with her nose. Sparktail gave out a purr of gratitude. "Have you picked names for them?" Cloverpaw asked her former mentor. The dark ginger she-cat nodded slowly and pointed at a black tom with grey streaks in his fur. "This is Hailkit." She mewed and the little, sturdy tom let out a squeal of protest as she gave him al lick on the head. Then Sparktail pointed at a tiny black she-kit with orange streaks in her fur. "This is Littlekit." She mewed and let out a purr as Littlekit sneezed. Cloverpaw twitched her whiskers in amusement. "And this little tom will definitely be a troublemaker. His name is Featherkit." She mewed and nodded at a white tom with black ears and paws. Cloverpaw nodded and her eyes widened when her eyes landed on a striking resemblance to Squirrelflight. "And I named her after my mother. They look exactly alike, except that Squirrelkit has two white front paws, while my mother only had one." She murmured and her eyes clouded with sadness. Cloverpaw gently rubbed her head against Sparktail. "Your kits are beautiful, and I know that Squirrelflight will watch over them for Silverpelt for as long as they live." She mewed and then turned to Squirrelkit. She had heard many, many stories from Squirrelflight's apprenticeship. "I bet that she will be a troublemaker, so you will have your paws full." Then she sighed and added. "But if she is half the cat your mother was, then she will be a great one." Sparktail gazed at her and dipped her head. "Thank you, Cloverpaw." She mewed.

Cloverpaw settled down beside Fernpaw and Timberpaw. Their pelts bore the scents of the forest, as they had been hunting all day. Brackenfur and Thornclaw sat down beside them and Graystripe, Brightheart and Cloudtail hurried to join their denmates. Mousewhisker and Rosepetal sat down in front of the nursery and Cinderheart pushed herself out of the entrance and bounded over to her mate. Daisy was trying to quiet down the kits inside of the nursery that were wailing for their mothers. "Shh, don't wake Sparktail's kits up. Remember, they're so tiny." She mewed and the wailing turned into sobs and sniffs. Dewnose, Whitewing, Fernsong and Icefeather had helped move Sparktail and the kits into the nursery, where a warm, cozy nest had been waiting for them. Rainsong and Frogleap bounded into camp, nudging each other and chuckling. Dappledwillow, Honeyleaf, Ambermoon, Hollytuft and Leafheart emerged sleepily from the warriors' den, yawning and stretching. Oakpaw, Switfpaw and Pigeonpaw padded out of the apprentices' den, and it looked as if they were still sleeping as they padded to the rest of the clan and wove themselves among then before settling down. Flamingheart, Cherryfall, Dovewing, Poppyfrost and Birchfall bolted into camp, turning back from a hunting patrol. Cloverpaw's belly flipped over and her heart sank when she saw what a meager catch the patrol had caught. Poppyfrost held a squirrel in her jaws, while Cherryfall, Birchfall and Flamingheart carried a few mice and shrews. Bramblestar stood on the highledge, staring up at the moon that sailed high in the sky beside Silverpelt. He took a deep breath before rising to his paws. Cloverpaw shot a glance towards Icefeather, and she trembled. Bramblestar closed his eyes before raising his voice in a deep, authoritative yowl. "I say these words before the spirits of Starclan, and the spirit of our beloved Squirrelflight, so they may hear and approve my choice. Icefeather is the new deputy of Thunderclan!" A clamour of yowls rose from the cats below him. "Icefeather! Icefeather!" Cloverpaw joined in the cheering, although she felt sadness swelling up inside her. Icefeather rose slowly to her paws. "I feel honored, Bramblestar, to be chosen by Squirrelflight herself and you, to be the deputy of Thunderclan, and I accept your offer." She mewed and dipped her head. She then padded forward and stopped beneath the highledge. "I promise that I will do everything in my power to keep Thunderclan strong and healthy, and I will give my last breath to keep it safe from any dangers." Sighing, she added with a hint of pride in her voice. "Thunderclan is strong, and we defeated Shadowclan when they attacked our camp, as we have survived every trouble we have ever had to face. No matter what challenges we face, floods, fires, destructions, battles, droughts, starvation, heat waves and the cruel frost of leaf-bare, Thunderclan have always stayed strong, and I will do my best to help Bramblestar keep it that way." She added. Cloverpaw felt a shudder run through her spine and she shivered at Icefeather's great speech. "Icefeather!" She yowled, rearing up and batting the air. The cats all around her did the same, and their voices rose up into the air and echoed off the walls of stone. Pride surged through her. They were Thunderclan.

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