Chapter 18

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Timberpaw shot up from his nest as a single screech sounded from outside the barrier, but it was followed by many more. Oakpaw and Swiftpaw were also scrambling to their paws. Pigeonpaw was already at the entrance, peering out while Willowpaw looked grim. "So it begins." She murmured, unsheathing her claws. Timberpaw's heart raced in his chest. Pigeonpaw squeezed out of the den, Willowpaw at his heels. Timberpaw looked at his brother. "Good luck." He whispered before following the other apprentices. Bramblestar was already in the clearing while screeches and yowls sounded from outside the barrier. Dewnose, Stormcloud and Cherryfall peered out of the nursery while Ivypool, Bumblestripe and Flamingheart stood on the highledge. Squirrelflight raced up to Bramblestar. "Lead Snowbush, Lilyheart, Fernsong, Mousewhisker, Leafheart and Rainsong out and try to hold them off for as long as you can." The Thunderclan leader mewed to his mate. Squirrelfligth nodded and flicked her tail to gather her warriors. Squirrelflight thundered out of the entrance with a patrol of Thunderclan warriors on her tail. Timberpaw's eyes widened when the yowls increased. "Everyone, line up behind me!" Bramblestar yowled as he braced his shoulders and crouched three fox-lengths away from the barrier. Timberpaw bounded up to him and crouched beside Icefeather who had taken position beside Bramblestar. Oakpaw, Pigeonpaw, Acornfall, Frogleap, Dovewing, Thornclaw, Cloudtail, Brightheart and Swiftpaw lined up beside him, while on Bramblestar's other side Whitewing, Birchfall, Berrynose, Lionblaze, Poppyfrost, Greystripe, Brackenfur and Dappledwillow crouched, their tails lashing. "Are you sure, Greystripe?" Brackenfur asked, clearly worried about his old friend. Greystripe nudged him. "I can fight for my clan, no matter how old I am." He murmured, although his voice trembled a bit. "Be ready!" Bramblestar mewed when the barrier rustled. Crowfrost, the Shadowclan deputy, exploded into camp with a large patrol of warriors behind him. As they raced toward the Thunderclan cats, Bramblestar let out a fierce battle cry before launching himself at Crowfrost. Timberpaw saw Swanpaw and Crowpaw leap onto Swiftpaw, but the long-limbed apprentice was more experienced and kicked out with his hind legs, sending Swanpaw flying while Crowpaw pounced onto his back, but Swiftpaw rolled over and crushed the fluffy she-cat underneath him. Brackenfur send Burrpaw flying with a heavy blow to his cheek before raking his claws down Grassheart's side, sending blood spraying onto the ground. Whitewing was locked in a fierce tussle with Pinenose. The white she-cat managed to nip at his ear, sending blood pouring out of it and the black she-cat let out a yowl and struggled from her grip. Lionblaze charged into Yarrowfern, sending him crashing down before leaping at him again and batting fiercely at his face. Oakpaw reared up and slashed fiercely as a small she-cat tried to nip at his throat. Molewhisker came rushing into camp, pursuing Slatefur. Squirrelflight and the patrol she'd led out came streaming into camp after the Shadowclan cats that had broken through their defenses. Icefeather scrabbled at a she-cat's belly as she pinned her down until she unbalanced her by pushing up. Timberpaw whipped around when Cloverpaw let out an agonized yowl. Wasptail had pinned her down and was slashing at her face. Oakpaw, who had just kicked Crowpaw away raced toward his sister. Timberpaw followed him and the two brothers crashed into Wasptail's side. She let out a loud yowl as she flew off the light brown tabby apprentice. Timberpaw raked his claws down her flank while Oakpaw nipped fiercely at her ear. Cloverpaw scrambled to her paws before flinging herself at her. Wasptail struggled underneath their bodies until she begged for mercy. Timberpaw nudged Oakpaw off her and the she-cat sprang away and raced to the barrier. Mousewhisker barreled into a large tom that was trying to pin Lilyheart down. Cherryfall and Dewnose crouched inside the nursery, preparing to strike. When Sparrowtail flashed past them, chasing Willowpaw, Dewnose let out a shriek and launched himself at him. Sparrowtail let out a yowl before kicking Dewnose off him, but Willowpaw had spun around and tore open his flank as she flashed past the Shadowclan tom, letting blood pound out of his wounds. Sparrowtail let out a screech of agony and stumbled back to the barrier. He had clearly had enough. A yowl from Greystripe made Timberpaw spin around. The tom was trying to escape the brutal claws of Dawnpelt. Timberpaw raced toward him but Lilyheart had already leaped at Dawnpelt and the two she-cats became a writhing ball of fur and claws. Timberpaw felt agony shoot through him when someone slammed into his side and bit his scruff. He let out a yowl as he writhed around, trying to escape the cat that held such a firm grip on him. The Shadowclan cat sank its teeth into his scruff and Timberpaw tried to twist around. He just managed to sink his claws into its shoulder. His eyes met Sleekfur's. Letting out a yowl of fury, Timberpaw tugged his paws toward him, unbalancing Sleekfur and she let go off him. The dark brown apprentice leaped away from her before slashing at her cheek as she fell. He clawed at her eyes before spinning around and barreling into Burrpaw who was shooting past him. They bundled toward the wall of stone. Timberpaw nipped his throat while Burrpaw raked his claws down his flanks. He let out a yowl of pure agony and writhed away from his opponent. Burrpaw stood over him and lifted a paw to slash down at his throat. Then as he struck, Timberpaw instinctively jerked his head down and grabbed Burrpaw's paw in between his jaws. Biting down hard, he chewed through the skin until his teeth scraped aginst bone. Burrpaw let out a screech of pain and tried to writhe away from him. Timberpaw then tipped his head, unbalancing the older apprentice and sent him tumbling to his side. "Great move, Timberpaw!" Icefeather yowled as she sent Beeflight flying into Lilypetal. Timberpaw forgot all his pain and felt warm from his nose to the tip of his tail. Then as his eyes slid past the white she-cat, he saw Squirrelflight struggling to defend herself as Crowfrost and Cinderpaw swiped at her mercilessly. But before Timberpaw could leap to her aid, a Tigerheart fastened his claws into his hindquarters and hauled him backwards before dragging him to the ground. He let out a screech as he flailed with his hind legs and tried to twist around and drag himself away. Then, with a blur of movement, Ambermoon crashed into him and sent him tumbling backwards. Timberpaw sprang to his paws and the ginger she-cat clawed so fiercely at the Shadowclan cat that it looked as if it depended on her life. But Tigerheart was a good fighter and kicked out with his hind legs. Ambermoon ducked and flashed out a paw, hooking Tigerheart's paws out from under him and sending him crashing to the ground. "Go and help Squirrelflight!" The Thunderclan warrior yowled at him as she planted her paws onto his scruff and scrabbling at his back with thorn-sharp claws. "I can take care of him." She snarled. Timberpaw nodded briefly before turning around, but his heart dropped when Squirrelflight was nowhere to be seen. Icefeather flashed past him, rolling in a knot with Juniperleaf and Berryheart. Timberpaw let out a yowl of fury when he saw the white she-cat being overpowered. Screeching, he flung himself onto Berryheart's back and hauled her backwards. The black and white she-cat bucked underneath him and threw him with ease off, sending him sprawling. Heart thudding, the dark brown apprentice scrambled back to his paws. Icefeather had managed to flip Juniperleaf onto his belly and sank her claws into his shoulders before letting out a shriek and flinging the Shadowclan tom into the grey stonewall with all her might. Juniperleaf let out a yowl before crashing to the ground with a thump. Timberpaw had to look very closely to see his flanks still heaving. "Drive them to the barrier!" Bramblestar yowled as he sent Burrpaw flying away with a heavy blow. Timberpaw scanned the clearing. Cloudtail was swatting furiously at Bluepaw while Brightheart pummeled a large tabby tom. Lionblaze was driving Breezepaw back to the barrier, his lips drawn back in a snarl. Lilyheart and Acornfall had cornered Spikefur to the entrance of the camp. He let out a hiss of frustration before whipping around and sprinting out of camp. Thornclaw had pinned Swanpaw down while Willowpaw rolled past him in a fierce tussle with Eaglepaw. Rainsong leaped onto Dawnpelt's back and sank her teeth into her shoulder. Pigeonpaw bolted after Berryheart, chasing her out of camp. Honeyleaf bucked underneath Swanpaw before throwing herself at the wall, crushing Swanpaw up to it. The white she-cat fell to the ground, dazed. Snowbush was landing multiple harsh blows on Needleclaw's face until he ducked and butted him in the chest. Snowbush, who had been balancing on his hind legs, stumbled backwards and fell. But before Needleclaw could attack him again, a small black and white shape leaped onto his back, yowling in challenge. Timberpaw's eyes widened when he recognized Badgerkit, nipping at his scruff. Needleclaw, just as surprised, began shaking himself. But Badgerkit still held onto him his lips drawn back in a furious snarl. Timberpaw looked up at the highledge when Daisy and Rosepetal sprinted out of the den and leaped down the tumble of rocks. An agonized yowl sounded from the den. Cold claws of fear seemed to sink into his heart. Had the Shadowclan cats broken in? Greystripe was already hauling himself up the rocks, panting hard with blood welling out of his flanks, and he had a nasty bite on his tail. Sprinting toward him, Timberpaw nudged the old tom upward. His legs trembled and he was more exhausted than he had ever been. Finally, they reached the entrance. Cinderheart was shielding her kits, Rosepetal's and Smokekit. Smokekit stared, horrified, at Sparktail who lay in a mossy nest. Fear surged up inside Timberpaw when Sparktail let out an agonized shriek. Greystripe stumbled towards Cinderheart and collapsed in front of her. "Let me guard the kits, go help Sparktail." He croaked. Cinderheart nodded briefly before dashing towards the dark ginger she-cat. Greystripe curled himself up around the mass of kits, soothing them with forced purrs. "What's happening?" Timberpaw couldn't help his voice from shaking as he stared at Sparktail. He flinched when someone screeched in pain from the clearing. Jayfeather and Alderleaf scrambled up with Rosepetal on their heels. But before Rosepetal could enter any further, Jayfeather stopped her. "Go back to the clearing. Thunderclan needs every warrior fighting." He mewed. Rosepetal stared from him to Greystripe who was curled up around her kits. Then her gaze hardened and she nodded and she hurried toward her kits. Giving each of them a long, soothing lick she promised she'd be back before they could say mouse. Then she turned around and raced from the den. Alderleaf dropped a bundle of leaves in front of Sparktail and Jayfeather turned to Timberpaw. "We got this, go help your clan." He mewed before turning to Sparktail and murmuring something in Alderleaf's ear. Panic rising up inside of him, he whirled around and raced out of the den. He skidded to halt on the edge of the highledge. Relief flooded over him when he saw that at last, Thunderclan looked as if they might win the battle. Dappledwillow was brushing through the barrier, panting hard. Acornfall send Sparrowtail flying with a heavy kick from her hind legs. Sorrelstripe nipped at Crowfrost's ear, tearing it open. Then, as his gaze scanned the clearing, it stopped on Squirrelflight who was fighting Cinderpaw and Spikefur. Spikefur had flipped the Thunderclan deputy over onto her back. Then Spikefur shot down and clamped his jaws shut around her throat, sinking them into the soft flesh. Squirrelflight thrashed around and gurgled as she tried to escape him. Cinderpaw bit down hard on her tail and shook her head. "Squirrelflight, no!" Timberpaw shrieked. Taking a couple of steps back, he rushed forward and sprang off the highledge. Clearing over the battling cats, he crashed onto Cinderpaw. She let out a yowl and tumbled over. He let out a yowl. He had aimed perfectly. He sank his claws into her shoulders while she kicked out with her hind legs. Timberpaw sprang off her. "Coward!" He yowled at her. With a quick glance sideways, he saw Fernpaw grappling so fiercely with Spikefur that it looked as if she had the whole of Tigerclan fighting on her side. Letting out a battle cry, Cinderpaw charged toward him. He stepped sideways as she flashed past him, but agony shot through him when she tore open his flank by raking her claws down it as she ran past him. He whipped around but she leaped at him as he reared up. He fell onto his back and Cinderpaw fastened her claws into his chest and flipped around, so his face touched the soft flesh on her belly. She tugged her claws toward her before sinking them into his belly. He let out a yowl and writhed underneath him. Then, he pushed up, curving his belly, and kicked her into the chin. She let out a grunt and stumbled backwards. He flipped over and, panting, sprang to his paws. He shook blood out of his fur before bounding toward her. But she rolled neatly away and rose to her paws, quicker than the fastest lightning. Timberpaw charged toward her but stopped a tail length away and reared up onto his hind paws. Cinderpaw copied him and tried to slash his throat open. He batted her paw away and sliced her muzzle open. She let out a yowl, but her eyes still burned with fire. Then, memory flashed in his head from when he had been training with Fernpaw. He lifted a paw, pretending to swat it down. But as Cinderpaw's eyes followed his dark brown paw, he sliced up with his other paw and sent her tumbling back. But she regained her balance; quicker than Timberpaw had thought was possible. Growing desperate, he swiped at her with a flurry of claws, tearing open her face and muzzle. Then Cloverpaw darted by and flashed out a paw, hooking Cinderpaw's paws out from under her. Timberpaw took his chance as Cinderpaw began to fall, and pushed at her light grey chest with his paws. He nailed her to the ground. He grabbed her shoulder and flipped her around before she could make an attempt to escape. He let out a yowl as Burrpaw leaped onto his back. His legs buckled and he collapsed onto Cinderpaw as the fluffy apprentice sank his claws into Timberpaw's shoulders. Cinderpaw tried to slither away, but before she could Cloverpaw bolted towards them and slammed into Burrpaw sending him flying. Timberpaw then dug his claws into Cinderpaw's haunches and dragged her down towards him. She let out a furious yowl and wriggled around. She then brought up her hind paws and scrabbled at the soft flesh on his belly, slicing it open and sending blood spattering onto her light grey fur. Timberpaw let out a screech of pain but he didn't let her go. Growing desperate as she continued scrabbling at his belly, he lashed out with thorn-sharp claws at her throat. His eyes widened when he opened a deeper wound than he had intended. Stepping off her in shock and panic as she gurgled and thrashed around as she tried to breathe, he stumbled into Fernpaw who was chasing Eaglepaw away. "No, no, no, no." He repeated in a whisper when Cinderpaw stopped breathing. Her blue eyes rolled to the back of her head, glazed. Timberpaw turned around, trembling, the screeches and yowls becoming muffled to his ears as blood roared in them, drowning out every other sound. He killed her! Then, a loud yowl sounded from behind him. Turning around he saw Badgerkit yowling in agony and fear as he tried to escape Bluepaw's vicious claws. Letting out a furious yowl and forgetting about Cinderpaw, Timberpaw launched himself at the blue-gray she-cat, sending her flying away. As they bundled towards the barrier, Bluepaw sliced at his ears and he let out a hiss of pain when she tore one up. He then brought up his hind legs and kicked at her belly, sending her crashing to the ground. Leaping at her again, he bit her scruff and shook her wildly before throwing her away. She was much smaller than he was, even though she must be at least 1-2 moon older than he. "He's a kit, you fox-heart!" He growled as he batted at her until she hissed and bolted to the barrier. Looking around, he saw that Thunderclan was winning, chasing the Shadowclan cats away to the barrier. Crowfrost stared in dismay as the Shadowclan cats got chased out by Thunderclan's warriors. "Retreat! Shadowclan, retreat!" He yowled but raced toward the limp body of Cinderpaw and gripped her scruff between her teeth. Mistcloud crouched and Goosewing quickly dragged Tawnypelt onto her back before they bolted away. Goldengrass and Snowbird helped each other carry Mouseclaw out of the barrier. The warriors of Thunderclan sent a few yowls of triumph after their fleeing enemies.

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